Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)
microfluidics; single-cell; high-throughput testing; synthetic biology; biomanufacturing
Document Type
Biomanufacturing: Retrospect and Prospects
Engineering cells are a core component of green bio-manufacturing. The efficient testing and acquisition of engineering cells with the desired phenotype is a critical factor in the successful implementation of bio-manufacturing. In recent years, based on microfluidics technologies, non-culture type single-cell phenotype high-throughput test equipment and culture type phenotype high-throughput test equipment for the growth and metabolism of single cell in a bioreactor have been developed such as microdroplet and microchamber, realizing high-throughput, automated, miniaturized, and integrated testing of the phenotypes of engineering cells and providing a powerful tool for the breeding of engineering cells. This review systematically compiles the research progress of non-culture type single-cell phenotype testing technologies and equipment based on fluorescence signals, Raman signals, image signals, and magnetic signals, as well as the droplet and microchamber culture type single-cell test technologies and equipment based on picoliter, nanoliter, and microliter multi-scale microbioreactors, and explores the development trend of the creation of high-throughput testing instruments for engineering cells, providing a reference for the research of green bio-manufacturing engineering cells testing technologies.
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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Recommended Citation
LI, Shuang; GUO, Xiaojie; CHEN, Haibo; CHEN, Sisi; DA, Xin; LI, Zhenghui; LIU, Qinxiu; WANG, Yi; XING, Xinhui; and ZHANG, Chong
"Research progress in high-throughput phenotype testing technology and equipment for engineering cells based on microfluidics,"
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version): Vol. 40
, Article 9.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16418/j.issn.1000-3045.20241203003
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