Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)
bio-safety; think tank; development characteristic; decision support
Document Type
S&T and Society
At present, the complexity of bio-safety governance is becoming increasingly prominent, and complex issues such as security and development in the bio-economy, preparedness and response to infectious disease pandemics, the interweaving and integration of bio-security and other security factors, and the integration of scientific and technological factors and security factors urgently require think tanks to conduct systematic, comprehensive and forward-looking assessments and provide professional solutions. Rooted in the relatively mature experience in the construction of think tanks in the United States, a number of bio-safety and bio-security think tanks with greater influence have been developed, which have acted as an “external brain” to support the bio-security policy of the United States to a certain extent. On the basis of a brief introduction of the main non-governmental bio-safety think tanks in the United States, this study analyzes the development characteristics of the current non-governmental bio-safety think tanks in the United States from three aspects: research fields, practical activities, and functional realization. On the one hand, it provides support for the analysis of bio-safety policy in the United States, and on the other hand, it provides reference for the construction of abundant bio-safety and bio-security think tanks in China.
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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Recommended Citation
MA, Wenbing; SONG, Qiang; and WANG, Lei
"Analysis on development status and characteristics of non-governmental bio-safety and bio-security think tanks in the United States,"
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version): Vol. 40
, Article 20.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16418/j.issn.1000-3045.20240725005
Available at:
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