
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


marine biological resources; circular blue bioindustry; redesign; de novo design; sustainable development

Document Type

S&T and Society


The future marine bioindustry, which features advanced green intelligent biomanufacturing and high-value marine bioproducts, is a strategically emerging marine industry. This study proposes a new industrial development model for the circular blue bioindustry, founded on simultaneously optimizing the sustainable utilization of marine bioresources and protecting the ecological environment. Through in-depth analysis of the current situation, challenges, and potential development opportunities of the global and Chinese marine bioindustries underpinning sustainable development, theoretical framework, approaches and implementation pathways have been established to redesign the existing marine bioindustry and de novo design of the emerging marine bioindustry. Future key development priorities are suggested for China’s circular blue bioindustry.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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