
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


modern agriculture; data factor; high-quality development; internal logic; policy recommendation

Document Type

Policy & Management Research


Clarifying the internal logic of big data to support modern agricultural production is helpful to cultivate and develop new quality productive forces in agriculture. From the perspective of economics, this study proposes that the role of big data in modern agricultural production is mainly reflected in two levels. Firstly, it improves the total factor productivity of the traditional agricultural production function. Secondly, it changes the factor endowment structure of agricultural production and forms a new agricultural production function. Based on these, the realization form of big data to support modern agricultural production can be summarized as improving the efficiency of modern agricultural technology, optimizing the efficiency of agricultural production allocation, and promoting the deep transformation and upgrading of agriculture to form a new production paradigm. According to the logical analysis of big data supporting the development of modern agriculture and the development status of agricultural big data in China, this study puts forward the following suggestions for decision-making. Firstly, establish an agricultural data standardization system to ensure that data from different sources can be effectively integrated and analyzed. Secondly, promote the construction of data infrastructure such as data platform, open up the circulation channels of agriculture-related data, build a sound data sharing mechanism, and promote the data circulation between the government, scientific research institutions, as well as enterprises and farmers. Finally, promote the joint research of agricultural intelligent algorithm models, guide the social computing resources to be moderately inclined to the agricultural field, improve the ability of agricultural big data analysis, and establish a modern agricultural decision support system.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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