
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


artificial intelligence; computing power space; data space; cyberspace; intelligent space; reconfiguration and reconstruction

Document Type

Strategy & Policy Decision Research


The Information Science & Technology in China: A Roadmap to 2050 and Information Technology: Accelerating the Integration of Human Machine Things have predicted the long-term development of China’s information technology field. This study reviews the development and changes in the field of information technology in the past 15 years, and compares them with the initial predictions, pointing out that some important judgments made at the beginning were in line with expectations. In recent years, the global development of information technology has entered a slow period, while the rapid evolution of the new generation of artificial intelligence will bring new opportunities for the reconfiguration and reconstruction of the information technology system in the next 10 years, and will accelerate the innovation process of the information technology system. This study systematically analyzes the technological system reconfiguration and reconstruction of computing technology, data space, network space, and intelligent space, points out challenging issues, and proposes development strategies.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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