
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


governance technology, management of science and technology, blockchain technology, blockchain digital assets

Document Type

Policy & Management Research


The Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan takes blockchain as one of the key industries of the digital economy, and a number of ministries and commissions have also made clear deployments to accelerate the innovative application of blockchain, promote the digital transformation of the industry, and promote the high-quality development of the economy and society in the policy documents related to the informatization of the industry. The regulation and governance of blockchain digital assets cannot be separated from the understanding and analysis of blockchain technology itself, and observing the development mechanism of blockchain digital assets from the scientific and technological end is an innovative and necessary angle of governance. Research on the governance of blockchain digital assets in China should build a two-tier system design of technology governance and governance technology, achieve conditional trust in blockchain technology, accelerate the development of blockchain technology, establish a risk assessment mechanism and realize the ethical role of blockchain technology, and guide the development of distributed digital identities and decentralized organizations, clarify regulatory boundaries and government responsibilities.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


1 司晓. 区块链数字资产物权论. 探索与争鸣, 2021, (12): 80-90. Si X. On the real right of blockchain digital assets. Exploration and Free Views, 2021, (12): 80-90. (in Chinese)

2 吴一楷, 李国安, 王健璇. 非同质化通证的金融属性及司法认定可能. 广东财经大学学报, 2023, 38(3): 98-112. Wu Y K, Li G A, Wang J X. Research on financial characteristics and judicial precedents of non-fungible tokens. Journal of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics, 2023, 38(3): 98-112. (in Chinese)

3 许多奇, 蔡奇翰. 中国加密货币财产属性的司法认定—— 以金融法与民商法的二维区分为视角. 上海政法学院学报 (法治论丛), 2021, 36(6): 90-102.Xu D Q, Cai Q H. Judicial Identification of property attributes of cryptocurrencies in China: From the perspective of two-dimensional distinction between financial law and civil and commercial law. Journal of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, 2021, 36(6): 90-102. (in Chinese)

4 朱婉菁. 区块链技术驱动社会治理创新的理论考察. 电子政务, 2020, (3): 41-53. Zhu W J. Theoretical investigation on blockchain technology driving social governance innovation. E-government, 2020, (3): 41-53. (in Chinese)

5 宋爽, 熊爱宗. 数字货币全球治理的进展、挑战与建议. 国际经贸探索, 2022, 38(9): 96-112. Song S, Xiong A Z. The global governance of digital currency: Progress, challenges and recommendations. International Economics and Trade Research, 2022, 38(9): 96-112. (in Chinese)

6 Greenberg, Brad A. Rethinking technology neutrality. Minnesota Law Review, 2016, 100: 1495.

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8 Jacobsen K L, Fast L. Rethinking access: How humanitarian technology governance blurs control and care. Disasters, 2019, 43(S2): S151-S168.

9 Jacobetty P, Orton-Johnson K. Blockchain imaginaries and their metaphors: Organising principles in decentralised digital technologies. Social Epistemology, 2023, 37(1): 1-14.

10 贾开. 区块链治理研究:技术 、机制与政策. 行政论坛, 2019, 26(2): 80-85. Jia K. Research on blockchain governance: Technology, mechanism and policy. Administrative Tribune, 2019, 26(2): 80-85. (in Chinese)

11 最高人民检察院. 数字经济背景下“NFT”的法律属性与风险治理. 检察日报(理论版). 2023-05-15(01). Supreme People’s Procuratorate of China. The legal Attribute and Risk Management of “NFT” in the Context of Digital Economy. Procuratorial Daily Theory Edition, 2023-05-15(01). (in Chinese)

12 郭少飞. 论区块链数字代币的法律属性. 苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2023, 44(4): 100-110.Guo S F. On the legal attributes of Blockchain digital tokens. Journal of Soochow University (Philosophy & Social Science Edition), 2023, 44(4): 100-110. (in Chinese)

13 Emmer T. H.R.1747 -Blockchain Regulatory Certainty Act. (2023-03-23) [2024-03-11]. https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/1747.

14 蒋旭栋. 美国区块链治理的策略与前景. 国际展望, 2023, 15(4): 136-156. Jiang X D. U. S. blockchain governance: Strategy and prospects. Global Review, 2023, 15(4): 136-156. (in Chinese)

15 Yaga D, Mell P, Roby N, et al. Blockchain Technology Overview, Gaithersburg: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 2018.

16 郭滕达. 美国推动区块链发展的主要做法及启示. 世界科技研究与发展, 2020, 42(5): 558-566. Guo T D. U. S. approaches to promote blockchain development and its enlightenment. World Sci-Tech R & D, 2020, 42(5): 558-566. (in Chinese)

17 戚学祥, 黄新宇. 国外区块链发展考察:逻辑、路径与启示. 河海大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2020, 22(6): 46-55. Qi X X, Huang X Y. Study on the development of blockchain abroad: Logic, path and enlightenment. Journal of Hohai University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2019, 22(6): 46-55. (in Chinese)

18 陈晓丰, 宋兆雄, 郑佩玉, 等. 一种多链协同治理的“以链治链 ”监管 框架. 计算 机研 究与 发展, 2024, doi: 10.7544/ issn1000-1239.202330297. Chen X F, Song Z X, Zheng P Y, et al. A MultichainCollaborating Chain-Supervising-Chain Supervision Framework. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2024, doi: 10.7544/issn1000-1239.202330297. (in Chinese)

19 Reed D, Sporny M, Longley D, et al. Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 2019. [2024-03-13]. https://www.ossbig.at/wpcontent/uploads/2023/05/Decentralized-Identifiers-DIDsv1.0-w3c.pdf.

20 吕坤. 浅析区块链分布式数字身份. (2022-11-14)[2024-03-11]. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Bzrn0YseiuXRrEI4ESEKAA. Lu K. Analysis of Blockchain Distributed Digital Identity. (2022-11-14) [2024-03-11]. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Bzrn0YseiuXRrEI4ESEKAA. (in Chinese)

21 Rana R, Zaeem R N, Barber K S. An assessment of blockchain identity solutions: Minimizing risk and liability of authentication//2019 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence. Thessaloniki: Association for Computing Machinery, 2019:26-33.

22 楼秋然. 公司法与去中心化自治组织:历史回顾、理性反思与制度建构. 中国政法大学学报, 2022, (5): 158-173. Lou Q R. Company law and decentralized autonomous organization: Historical review, rational reflection and legal construction. Journal of CUPL, 2022, (5): 158-173. (in Chinese)

23 许多奇. 论监管科技的双层容错机制. 政治与法律, 2024, (1): 138-157. Xu D Q. A double-layered mechanism of fault tolerance in RegTech. Political Science and Law, 2024, (1): 138-157. (in Chinese)

24 ResearchConsumers. Bretton woods 2015 white paper. (2016-10-25). https://cryptochainuni.com/wp-content/uploads/Bretton-Woods-2015-White-Paper-The-promise-ofBitcoin-and-the-Blockchain.pdf.

25 吴桐, 李铭. 区块链金融监管与治理新维度. 财经科学, 2019, (11): 1-11. Wu T, Li M. New dimension of blockchain financial supervision and governance. Finance & Economics, 2019, (11): 1-11. (in Chinese)
