
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


digital government, digital institute, digital governance, artificial intelligence, big data

Document Type

Policy & Management Research


In the era of the digital economy, digital scientific research and digital government are both crucial components, serving as application scenarios enabled by new information technologies. Currently, the new generation of information technologies, especially artificial intelligence and big data, is instrumental in modernizing governance at scientific research institutions within Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). They notably drive paradigm shifts in scientific activities and accelerate the digital transformation of these institutions. The digital system formed by the digital transformation of management processes in scientific activities at research institutes is defined as the digital institute. This study analyzes the impact of digital transformation on CAS institutes, summarizes the typical business scenarios and system framework of the digital institute, and provides insights and suggestions for implementing digital institute applications.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


1 李国杰, 程学旗. 大数据研究: 未来科技及经济社会发展的重大战略领域——大数据的研究现状与科学思考. 中国科学院院刊, 2012, 27(6): 647-657. Li G J, Cheng X Q. Research status and scientific thinking of big data. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2012, 27 (6): 647-657. (in Chinese)

2 吴静, 张凤. 智库视角下国外数字经济发展趋势及对策研究. 科研管理, 2022, 43(8): 32-39. Wu J, Zhang F. An analysis of the trend of digital economy in foreign countries and China’s countermeasures from the perspective of think tank. Science Research Management, 2022, 43(8): 32-39. (in Chinese)

3 张晨. 全球数字政府建设现状及非均衡分析. 数量经济技术经济研究, 2022, 39(3): 86-106. Zhang C. International comparative study on digital government construction. The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2022, 39(3): 86-106. (in Chinese)

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5 张晓, 鲍静. 数字政府即平台: 英国政府数字化转型战略研究及其启示. 中国行政管理, 2018, (3): 27-32. Zhang X, Bao J. Government as a platform: The inspiration and reference of UK government digital transformation strategy. Chinese Public Administration, 2018, (3): 27-32. (in Chinese)

6 翁士洪. 数字时代治理理论——西方政府治理的新回应及其启示. 经济社会体制比较, 2019, (4): 138-147. Weng S H. The theory of digital era governance: The new response to governance in digital era and its relevance. Comparative Economic & Social Systems, 2019, (4): 138-14 7. (in Chinese)

7 孙迎春. 澳大利亚整体政府信息化治理. 中国行政管理, 2014, (9): 112-118. Sun Y C. Information governance for whole-of-government cross-agency collaboration in Australia. Chinese Public Administration, 2014, (9): 112-118. (in Chinese)

8 徐梦周, 吕铁. 赋能数字经济发展的数字政府建设: 内在逻辑与创新路径. 学习与探索, 2020, (3): 78-85. Xu M Z, Lv T. Empowering digital economy development by developing digital government: Inherent logic and innovative path. Study & Exploration, 2020, (3): 78-85. (in Chinese)

9 陈娟. 数字政府建设的内在逻辑与路径构建研究. 国外社会科学, 2021, (2): 74-83. Chen J. Digital government construction: Its inner logic and operating mechanism. Social Sciences Abroad, 2021, (2): 74-83. (in Chinese)

10 陈收, 蒲石, 方颖, 等. 数字经济的新规律. 管理科学学报, 2021, 24(8): 36-47. Chen S, Pu S, Fang Y, et al. The new rules of digital economy. Journal of Management Sciences in China, 2021, 24(8): 36-47.

11 于勇, 范胜廷, 彭关伟, 等. 数字孪生模型在产品构型管理中应用探讨. 航空制造技术, 2017, 60(7): 41-45. Yu Y, Fan S T, Peng G W, et al. Study on application of digital twin model in product configuration management. Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 60(7): 41-45. (in Chinese)

12 安小米, 郭明军, 洪学海, 等. 政府大数据治理体系的框架及其实现的有效路径. 大数据, 2019, 3: 3-12. An X M, Guo M J, Hong X H, et al. Framework of government big data governance system and effective way of implementation. Big Data Research, 2019, 3: 3-12. (in Chinese)

13 中国科学院信息办公室, 中国科学院办公厅. 管理创新的重大举措——中国科学院全面启动 ARP 项目. 中国科学院院刊, 2003, 18(6): 432-435. Department of General Administration, Chinese Academy of Sciences. A critical measure in management innovation—An all-round initiation of the ARP program at CAS. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2003, 18(6): 432-435. (in Chinese)

14 廖方宇, 丛培民, 及俊川. 大数据时代组织管理信息化架构的重构及其策略. 中国管理信息化, 2017, 20(23): 74-77. Liao F Y, Cong P M, Ji J C. Restructuring and strategy of organization management informatization framework in the age of big data. China Management Informationization, 2017, 20(23): 74-77. (in Chinese)

15 陈国青, 吴刚, 顾远东, 等. 管理决策情境下大数据驱动的研究和应用挑战——范式转变与研究方向. 管理科学学报, 2018, 21(7): 1-10. Chen G Q, Wu G, Gu Y D, et al. The challenges for big data driven research and applications in the context of managerial decision-making: Paradigm shift and research directions. Journal of Management Sciences in China, 2018, 21(7): 1-10. (in Chinese)

16 张夏恒. 类 ChatGPT 人工智能技术嵌入数字政府治理: 价值、风险及其防控.电子政务, 2023, (4): 45-56. Zhang X H. ChatGPT-like AI technology embedded in digital governance: Value, risk, and prevention. EGovernment, 2023, (4): 45-56. (in Chinese)
