
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


CCUS, strategic research, text mining, research and development trends

Document Type

Information & Observation


In the context of carbon neutrality, carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technology has emerged as a critical focus for policymakers worldwide. Recognized as a critical tool for combating climate change and achieving carbon neutrality, CCUS has gained widespread endorsement from major nations and international organizations. Through methods such as bibliometrics, text clustering, and comprehensive research involving foreign official institutions and authoritative websites, this study delves into the technology strategy and development trends of CCUS. It is found that various countries,including the United States, Europe, and Japan, have sequentially rolled out CCUS strategies, elevating CCUS to a pivotal national strategic initiative. Moreover, they have delineated explicit objectives and emphasized research directives for diverse developmental phases leading up to 2030, 2040, and 2050. At present, the arena of CCUS technology is marked by swift expansion, with the relevant core technologies concentrating on low-energy and cost-effective CO2 capture, dependable geological utilization and storage, and advanced CO2 conversion processes aimed at yielding high-value chemicals and fuels.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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