
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


mountain hazards, experimental platform, physical modelling, large scale, dynamic process

Document Type

Key Research Infrastructures in CAS Field Stations


Mountain hazards involve complex multiphase media composed of granular materials and fluids. The challenges related to scale effects and similarity issues in physical modelling of these hazards are key problems in both fundamental research on dynamics of granular materials and applied research in disaster prevention and mitigation. Supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ key scientific infrastructure construction project at the field station network, the National Dongchuan Debris Flow Observation and Research Station in Jiangjia Gully, Dongchuan District, Kunming City completed the construction of the large-scale experimental platform on dynamic simulation of mountain hazards (LEADS) in 2024. This platform is the world’s largest, most automated, and best synchronized system for data collection among international advanced experimental platforms for physical modelling of mountain hazards. The LEADS platform fully adheres to the similarity criteria for simulating multiphase media in mountain hazards, accurately reveals the dynamic evolution mechanisms of these media as well as the regulation mechanisms of mitigation structures, and effectively aids in the engineering design. LEADS serves as a national treasure in China’s disaster reduction field and is set to become a demonstration base for basic and fundamental research on mountain hazards dynamics and for the development, testing, and promotion of new disaster prevention and control structures. It will significantly promote the research level of mountain hazards in China and will lead the development of the relevant scientific fields.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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