
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Cell-based medicinal products, cell manufacture, cell therapy

Document Type

Disciplinary Development


Cell-based medicinal products are a breakthrough that has been proven to treat previously incurable diseases, making them a topic of global interest. This review delves into the current state and progress of cell therapy, highlighting the remarkable therapeutic effects of various types of cell-based medicinal products. We specifically explore the potential development of cell-based medicinal products in China, focusing on promoting clinical translation and commercialization. We propose necessary actions to achieve these goals, such as fostering cutting-edge basic research, innovative therapeutic approaches, scalable manufacturing processes, and policy changes.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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26 Hering B J, Bellin M D. Transplantation: Sustained benefits of islet transplants for T1DM. Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 2015, 11(10): 572-574.

27 Millman J R, Xie C H, Van Dervort A, et al. Generation of stem cell-derived β-cells from patients with type 1 diabetes. Nature Communications, 2016, 7: 11463.

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43 Wang Y K, Zhu W W, Wu M H, et al. Human clinical-grade parthenogenetic ESC-derived dopaminergic neurons recover locomotive defects of nonhuman primate models of Parkinson’s disease. Stem Cell Reports, 2018, 11(1): 171-182.

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48 Piao J H, Zabierowski S, Dubose B N, et al. Preclinical efficacy and safety of a human embryonic stem cell-derived midbrain dopamine progenitor product, MSK-DA01.Cell Stem Cell, 2021, 28(2): 217-229.

49 You Z W, Wang L Y, He H, et al. Mapping of clonal lineages across developmental stages in human neural differentiation. Cell Stem Cell, 2023, 30(4): 473-487.

50 Feng L, Li D, Tian Y, et al. One-step cell biomanufacturing platform: Porous gelatin microcarrier beads promote human embryonic stem cell-derived midbrain dopaminergic progenitor cell differentiation in vitro and survival after transplantation in vivo. Neural Regeneration Research, 2024, 19(2): 458-464.

51 Zhang T, Ke W, Zhou X, et al. Human neural stem cells reinforce hippocampal synaptic network and rescue cognitive deficits in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Stem Cell Reports, 2019, 13(6): 1022-1037.

52 Bershteyn M, Bröer S, Parekh M, et al. Human pallial MGEtype GABAergic interneuron cell therapy for chronic focal epilepsy. Cell Stem Cell, 2023, 30(10): 1331-1350.

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54 Sun Z, Yuan X, Wu J Q, et al. Hepatocyte transplantation: The progress and the challenges. Hepatology Communications, 2023, 7: e0266.

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56 Chen S T, Wang J L, Ren H Z, et al. Hepatic spheroids derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells in bioartificial liver rescue porcine acute liver failure. Cell Research, 2020, 30(1): 95-97.

57 Wang S Y, Wang X, Tan Z L, et al. Human ESC-derived expandable hepatic organoids enable therapeutic liver repopulation and pathophysiological modeling of alcoholic liver injury. Cell Research, 2019, 29(12): 1009-1026.

58 Huang P Y, Zhang L D, Gao Y M, et al. Direct reprogramming of human fibroblasts to functional and expandable hepatocytes. Cell Stem Cell, 2014, 14(3): 370-384.

59 Zhang K, Zhang L D, Liu W M, et al. In vitro expansion of primary human hepatocytes with efficient liver repopulation capacity. Cell Stem Cell, 2018, 23(6): 806-819.

60 Fu G B, Huang W J, Zeng M, et al. Expansion and differentiation of human hepatocyte-derived liver progenitorlike cells and their use for the study of hepatotropic pathogens. Cell Research, 2019, 29(1): 8-22.

61 Yuan X, Wu J Q, Sun Z, et al. Preclinical efficacy and safety of encapsulated proliferating human hepatocyte organoids in treating liver failure. Cell Stem Cell, 2024, 31(4): 484-498.

62 Wang Y F, Zheng Q, Sun Z, et al. Reversal of liver failure using a bioartificial liver device implanted with clinicalgrade human-induced hepatocytes. Cell Stem Cell, 2023, 30 (5): 617-631.

63 Li W J, Zhu X J, Yuan T J, et al. An extracorporeal bioartificial liver embedded with 3D-layered human liver progenitor-like cells relieves acute liver failure in pigs. Science Translational Medicine, 2020, 12: eaba5146.

64 Glorioso J M, Mao S A, Rodysill B, et al. Pivotal preclinical trial of the spheroid reservoir bioartificial liver. Journal of Hepatology, 2015, 63(2): 388-398.
