
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, characteristic status, provincial capital ratio, administrative positions, gender gender ratio

Document Type

Policy & Management Research


The title of Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) represents the highest accolade in China’s scientific research field. Profiling the characteristics of CAS academicians can provide crucial insights into the current state of scientific research in China and play a vital role in fostering innovation and cultivating talents for the society. This study conducted a comprehensive quantitative analysis of the birthplaces, ages, genders, educational backgrounds, institutional affiliations, and administrative roles of newly elected CAS academicians from 2005 to 2023. Several key findings are identified, including: (1) the majority of newly elected CAS academicians originate from eastern and central regions of China, with about one-quarter from provincial capitals. (2) the average age of newly elected CAS academicians is younger compared to Nobel Prize laureates in natural sciences. (3) the percentage of newly elected CAS academicians who possess doctorate degrees has been increasing year by year. (4) the work units of newly elected CAS academicians are primarily the Chinese Academy of Sciences and its affiliated research institutes, as well as universities directly under the Ministry of Education. The average number of administrative positions held by these academicians is around four, and the number of positions held after their election tends to be higher than before. (5) Newly elected foreign academicians primarily originate from western developed countries, such as the United States and some other European countries.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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7 穆荣平, 廖原, 池康伟. 杰出科学家成长规律研究——以诺贝尔科学奖得主和中国科学院院士为例. 科研管理, 2022, 43(10): 160-171. Mu R P, Liao Y, Chi K W. Research on the growth law of outstanding scientists—Case on Nobel Science Prize winners and academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Science Research Management, 2022, 43(10): 160-171. (in Chinese)

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