
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


digital civilization era; science and technology; self-reliance; engineering ecology

Document Type

Strategy & Policy Decision Research


In the digital civilization era, scientific and technological innovation has emerged as a crucial pathway to unleash new quality productive forces and spearhead the ascendancy of great powers. It has become a vital pillar for major nations to engage in international competition and reshape the global order. Furthermore, it acts as a key instrument to smooth out economic cycles and overcome the limitations imposed by these cycles. The rise model, marked by advanced scientific and technological innovation and a commitment to scientific self-sufficiency and enhancement, significantly boosts the viability and acceptance of China’s approach to international governance. At the same time, science and technology innovation in the digital era increasingly emphasizes engineering thinking to promote the organic integration of scientific and technological knowledge and industry. The engineering ecology paradigm provides a new framework for analyzing and researching the process of evolution of industrial change and the mechanism of industrial innovation in industrial change, which can help us understand the incentives for industrial change, the opportunities for creating new industries, adapting to the change and transformation, as well as the process and mechanism of promoting the relevant policy awareness and policy formulation, so that we can understand the incentives for industrial change, create new industries, adapt to change and transformation, and promote the relevant policy awareness and policy formulation. The process and mechanism of policy understanding and policy formulation can accelerate industrial originality, industrial derivation, and industrial upgrading in the digital era. Entering the new era, it is necessary to further cultivate a new paradigm of engineering ecology that will catalyze industrial change, and continuously nurture new kinetic energy that will lead the next scientific and technological revolution and industrial change.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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16 许正中, 戈亚慧 .“0 到 1”产业的工程生态催化机理研究 . 理论与现代化, 2024, (1): 43-52.Xu Z Z, Ge Y H. Research on the engineering ecosystem evolution mechanism of “0 to 1” industries. Theory and Modernization, 2024(1): 43-52. (in Chinese)

17 栾恩杰 . 论工程在科技及经济社会发展中的创新驱动作 用 . 工程研究-跨学科视野中的工程, 2014, 6(4): 323-331.Luan E J. On the innovation driving function of engineering in the development of science, economy and society. Journal of Engineering Studies, 2014, 6(4): 323-331. (in Chinese)

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