
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


intellectual property,foreign-related transfer,national security,security review

Document Type

Policy & Management Research


Intellectual property security is the main battlefield of national security, and strengthening intellectual property security review is an important measure to protect national security and improve intellectual property security protection in the field of intellectual property. In the new era, the security review mechanism of intellectual property rights transfer and its implementation are facing double pressures worldwide, which need to be further adjusted and improved. This study analyzes the institutional games and challenges brought about by the changes in the international situation of intellectual property rights transfer, clarifies the requirements of the current overall national security concept and the strategy of self-reliance and self-reliance in science and technology for intellectual property rights transfer, sorts out many problems existing in the security review mechanism and specific implementation of intellectual property rights transfer, and puts forward the optimization ideas for improving the security review system and implementing the system. In theory, the institutional dilemma of the security review mechanism of intellectual property rights transfer abroad is clarified, which can provide research reference for the security review of intellectual property rights transfer in China in practice.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


1 肖尤丹, 王珊珊. 试论我国知识产权对外转让安全审查机制. 知识产权, 2023, 33(1):109-126. Xiao Y D, Wang S S. The mechanism on foreign-related intellectual property transfer in China. Intellectual Property, 2023, 33(1):109-126. (in Chinese)

2 郭秋怡, 游光荣. 深刻认识科技安全与经济安全互动关系建立科技安全监测预警体系. 中国科学院院刊, 2023, 38 (4):553-561. Guo Q Y, You G R. Understand interactive relationship between S&T security and economic security, establish S&T security monitoring and early warning system. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2023, 38(4):553-561. (in Chinese)

3 季连帅. 全面加强知识产权保护的理念遵循与实现路径——基于新发展格局视角. 学习与探索, 2021, (3):72-78. Ji L S. The idea follow and realization path of strengthening intellectual property protection in an all-round way-Based on the perspective of new development pattern. Study & Exploration, 2021, (3):72-78. (in Chinese)

4 马忠法. 我国改革开放以来技术转让法律制度的反思. 东方法学, 2019, (2):41-56. Ma Z F. Introspection on the legal regime of technology transfer in China since reform and opening up. Oriental Law, 2019, (2):41-56. (in Chinese)

5 贺德方, 汤富强, 刘辉. 科技改革十年回顾与未来走向. 中国科学院院刊, 2022, 37(5):578-588.He D F, Tang F Q, Liu H. Ten-year review and future trend of scientific and technological reform. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2022, 37(5):578-588. (in Chinese)

6 朱雪忠,代志在. 总体国家安全观下的知识产权安全治理体系研究. 知识产权, 2021, 31(8):32-42. Zhu X Z, Dai Z Z. A study on the security management system of intellectual property under the overall national security concept. Intellectual Property, 2021, 31(8):32-42. (in Chinese)

7 蒋启蒙, 朱雪忠. 大国竞争中的知识产权安全化及中国的政策选择. 外交评论(外交学院学报), 2022, 39(5):130-154. Jiang Q M, Zhu X Z. Securitization of intellectual property and China's policy choices in the context of great-power competition. Foreign Affairs Review, 2022, 39(5):130-154. (in Chinese)

8 陈友骏, 赵磊, 王星澳. 日本出口管制政策及其对华影响. 现代国际关系, 2021, (6):18-27. Chen Y J, Zhao L, Wang X A. Japan's export control policy and its impact on China. Contemporary International Relations, 2021, (6):18-27. (in Chinese)

9 常雁. 英国《国家安全与投资法》主要内容及影响分析. 全球科技经济瞭望, 2022, 37(7):29-35. Chang Y. The analysis of the main content of the UK's national security investment act and its impact on China. Global Science, Technology and Economy Outlook, 2022, 37 (7):29-35. (in Chinese)

10 廖凡. 欧盟外资安全审查制度的新发展及我国的应对. 法商研究, 2019, 36(4):182-192. Liao F. New development in the EU FDI screening system and China's response. Studies in Law and Business, 2019, 36 (4):182-192. (in Chinese)

11 刘鑫, 毛昊. 知识产权国家安全治理:制度逻辑与体系建构. 科学学研究, 2022, 40(12):2246-2257. Liu X, Mao H. National security governance of intellectual property:Institutional logic and system construction. Studies in Science of Science, 2022, 40(12):2246-2257. (in Chinese)

12 冉从敬, 马丽娜, 王少辉. 总体国家安全观视阈下知识产权安全:风险形构、治理困境及行动框架. 图书与情报, 2022, (4):1-12.Ran C J, Ma L N, Wang S H. Intellectual property security under a holistic approach to national security:Risk formation, governance dilemmas and framework for action. Library & Information, 2022, (4):1-12. (in Chinese)
