
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


U.S. Department of Energy,major research infrastructures,open services,layout & construction

Document Type

Theory and Practice of Major S&T Infrastructure Construction in the New Era


Major research infrastructures (referred to as “major infrastructures”) are the key to innovation in the era of big science, and is an important symbol of a country’s scientific and technological innovation capability and comprehensive national power. In order to seize the commanding point of scientific and technological innovation, the major developed countries have been actively developing and optimizing the layout of major infrastructures, while vigorously promoting the opening and sharing of major infrastructures to achieve the efficient allocation and utilization of scientific and technological resources, transforming their advantages in scientific and technological infrastructures into advantages in innovation and development. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) currently manages 28 major infrastructures that are open to global research users. This study analyzes the current open sharing situation of major infrastructures of the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE), and analyzes in-depth the demand, effectiveness, and difficulties of China’s use of major infrastructures of DOE from 2015 to 2022, to provide reference for the open sharing and layout construction of major infrastructure in China.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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9 邓泉, 尹红星, 韩效锋, 等. 国家重大科技基础设施建设管理探索与创新——以聚变堆主机关键系统综合研究设施 (CRAFT)为例. 科技管理研究, 2023, 43(6):190-195. Deng Q, Yin H X, Han X F, et al. Exploration and innovation of construction and management of the national major scientific and technological infrastructure:A case study of comprehensive research facility for fusion technology. Science and Technology Management Research, 2023, 43(6):190-195. (in Chinese)

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21 郭华东, 陈和生, 闫冬梅, 等. 加强开放数据基础设施建设, 推动 开放 科学 发展. 中国 科学 院院 刊, 2023, 38(6):806-817. Guo H D, Chen H S, Yan D M, et al. Strengthening open data infrastructure and promoting open science. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2023, 38(6):806-817. (in Chinese)

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