
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


application-supported major infrastructure,major scientific and technological infrastructure,high-quality development,high-efficiency and low-carbon gas turbine research facility

Document Type

Theory and Practice of Major S&T Infrastructure Construction in the New Era


From “Two Bombs and One Satellite” to Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), from ground zero to the center stage of the world, China has unswervingly followed the path of independent innovation with distinctive characteristics. After the development of nearly half a century, breakthroughs have been made in several key areas. The position, implication, and classification of major scientific and technological infrastructures are constantly changing under the new situation. Based on an in-depth investigation of major scientific and technological infrastructure such as high-efficiency and low-carbon gas turbine research facility, it is believed that the construction of application-supported major scientific and technological infrastructure in China still faces challenges and problems, such as the relative lack of user groups and the under-implementation of scientific and technological achievements. In view of the major opportunities brought by the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation in China with the urgent need to achieve sci-tech self-reliance, self-strengthening, and high-quality development, three countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to optimize the management system of project establishment, construction, and acceptance, strengthen the operation management and evaluation of application-supported major scientific and technological infrastructure, and increase the support for the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. This study provides a reference and basis for future infrastructure planning, management mechanism improvement, and policy development.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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7 常旭华, 仲东亭. 国家实验室及其重大科技基础设施的管理体系分析. 中国软科学, 2021, (6):13-22. Chang X H, Zhong D T. Study on management system of nation's laboratory and its large research infrastructure. China Soft Science, 2021, (6):13-22. (in Chinese)

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9 陈晓怡, 李宏, 茹志涛. 法国重大科技基础设施体系概况和建设模式及其启示. 科技管理研究, 2022, 42(9):22-30. Chen X Y, Li H, Ru Z T. Overview and construction mode of major scientific and technological infrastructure in France and its enlightenment. Science and Technology Management Research, 2022, 42(9):22-30. (in Chinese)

10 樊潇潇, 李泽霞, 宋伟, 等. 德国重大科技基础设施路线图制定与启示.科技管理研究, 2019, 39(8):15-19. Fan X X, Li Z X, Song W, et al. Development and revelation of Germany Roadmap for large research infrastructure. Science and Technology Management Research, 2019, 39(8):15-19. (in Chinese)

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16 黄敏, 杨海珍. 加强大科学装置的管理. 中国科学院院刊, 2006, 21(3):213-218. Huang M, Yang H Z. Improvement of management of large scientific facilities in China. 2006, 21(3):213-218. (in Chinese)

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20 詹文龙, 杨磊, 闫雪松, 等. 加速器驱动先进核能系统及其研究进展. 原子能科学技术, 2019, 53(10):1809-1815. Zhan W L, Yang L, Yan X S, et al. Accelerator-driven advanced nuclear energy system and its research progress. Atomic Energy Science and Technology, 2019, 53(10):1809- 1815. (in Chinese)

21 黄韬, 刘江, 汪硕, 等. 未来网络技术与发展趋势综述. 通信学报, 2021, 42(1):130-150. Huang T, Liu J, Wang S, et al. Survey of the future network technology and trend. Journal of Communications, 2021, 42 (1):130-150. (in Chinese)

22 林伟岸, 陈云敏, 杜尧舜, 等. 高校建设国家重大科技基础设施机制的探索与实践. 实验技术与管理, 2019, 36(4):250-252. Lin W A, Chen Y M, Du Y S, et al. Exploration and practice on mechanism of constructing national major science and technology infrastructure in colleges and universities. Experimental Technology and Management, 2019, 36(4):250-252. (in Chinese)

23 习近平. 加快建设农业强国推进农业农村现代化. 求是, 2023, (6):4-17. Xi J P. Accelerate building an agricultural power and promote agricultural and rural modernization. Qiu Shi, 2023, (6):4-17. (in Chinese)

24 庞昌伟. 中国能源革命的路径与前景. 人民论坛, 2022, (18):84-87. Pang C W. The path and prospect of China's energy revolution. People's Tribune, 2022, (18):84-87. (in Chinese).

25 李俊峰, 王大洲. LAMOST 工程的立项、建设与运行. 工程研究-跨学科视野中的工程, 2016, 8(1):107-122. Li J F, Wang D Z. The approval, construction and operation of LAMOST project. Journal of Engineering Studies, 2016, 8 (1):107-122. (in Chinese)

26 张玲玲, 付赛际, 张秋柳, 等. 以大科学装置为依托的高科技园区管控模式分析及对策建议——以中子科学城为例. 科技进步与对策, 2019, 36(15):14-23. Zhang L L, Fu S J, Zhang Q L, et al. Analysis and suggestions on organizational management patterns of hightech parks based on the large-scale scientific facilities-A case study of Neutron Science City. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2019, 36(15):14-23. (in Chinese)

27 西桂权, 付宏, 刘光宇. 中国大科学装置发展现状及国外经验借鉴. 科技导报, 2020, 38(11):6-15. Xi G Q, Fu H, Liu G Y. Current development of large scale scientific facilities in China and foreign experiences. Science & Technology Review, 2020, 38(11):6-15. (in Chinese)
