Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)
strategic scientist, growth pathway, life course theory, common characteristics, training and utilization recommendations
Document Type
Policy & Management Research
This study was conducted on six renowned strategic scientists in China using the life cycle theory framework. The research explored the key competency characteristics, growth trajectories, and influencing factors in their growth process. The findings revealed that the capabilities of Chinese strategic scientists encompass four dimensions: scientific metacognition, strategic planning, team coordination, and spiritual leadership. These capabilities exhibit staged development characteristics, including phases of enlightenment, wisdom enhancement, and molding. They are influenced by a comprehensive range of factors, including the influence of others, resource conservation, and career construction. To further optimize the environment for cultivating and utilizing strategic scientists in China, it is essential to nurture fertile ground for talent development and utilization, establish integrated talent development channels, and create a comprehensive developmental ecosystem. Additionally, the underlying logic of resource allocation should be reshaped to build a network of material, energy, and conditional support resources that meet the needs of talent.
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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Recommended Citation
LIN, Chenghua; ZHANG, Weijia; and WU, Yanyi
"A study on common characteristics and mechanisms on growth of strategic scientists from perspective of life course theory,"
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version): Vol. 39
, Article 9.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16418/j.issn.1000-3045.20240521004
Available at: