Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)
“Pan-Data Sovereignty”, digital technology, U.S.-China relations, China-EU relations, data decoupling
Document Type
Policy & Management Research
Data sovereignty has become deeply intertwined with various economic and social development factors such as technology, trade, economy, culture, society, and politics, leading to a “Pan-Data Sovereignty” competition pattern in the digital space. Through the digital stack model, which examines digital technologies in a layered framework, we can more clearly assess the competitive capacities in“Pan-Data Sovereignty” of China, United States, and European Union. The analysis identifies a three-tiered global “Pan-Data Sovereignty” competition structure among China, U.S., and EU, with each entity holding distinct advantages across various layers of the digital stack. Intense future competition is anticipated in fields such as quantum science and the Internet of Things. A “de-sinicization” trend is evident across multiple layers of the digital stack, with particularly aggressive technological blockades from U.S. targeting China. It is foreseeable that U.S. will engage in comprehensive competition with China over “Pan-Data Sovereignty”, while EU, due to its similar technological positioning, developmental philosophy, and sovereignty concepts, may find opportunities for deeper cooperation with China. To enhance China’s autonomy and control in “Pan-Data Sovereignty”, it is essential to precisely understand the nature of this competition, leverage strengths to address weaknesses, and strategically develop specific layers of the digital stack. Furthermore, countermeasures should be taken to strengthen strategic hedging against U.S. and deepen digital cooperation with EU.
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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Recommended Citation
LIU, Yan and RAN, Congjing
"How should China respond to “Pan-Data Sovereignty” competition among China, U.S., and EU—An analysis based on the digital stack model?,"
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version): Vol. 39
, Article 10.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16418/j.issn.1000-3045.20230816001
Available at: