
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


sci-tech system reform; problem-orientation; repair paradigm; structural paradigm; the path of least resistance

Document Type

Policy & Management Research


Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has comprehensively promoted the reform of the sci-tech management system, and has made significant progress. Nevertheless, facing the recent massive transformation in science and technology, China not only requires intensifying and deepening the sci-tech reform, but also demands profound reflections on its current reform mode and further exploration of a new reform paradigm compatible with China’s endeavor for a world power of science and technology. This study analyzes the challenges of China’s sci-tech transformation and the bottleneck of the problem-oriented repair paradigm for sci-tech reform, demonstrating the urgent need for China to break away from outdated sci-tech reform frameworks and establish a new paradigm. Moreover, based on the theory of structural dynamics and China’s economic reform practice since 1978, it proposes ideas such as transcending the “problem-oriented” paradigm to shape the new reform impetus, exploring “constructivist”, “ecological” and “nurturing” reform modes adapt to different situation in sci-tech transformation, breaking through reform bottlenecks to find “the path of least resistance”, and integrating all the above to construct a theoretical model of a structural reform paradigm. Finally, it proposes that the Chinese Academy of Sciences as the “evolutionary island” for the national sci-tech system reform, to put the structural reform paradigm in practice, and pave the path of least resistance for China to build itself into world power of science and technology.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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