
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


rubber tree cultivars with high-yield potential and stress-tolerance, genomic selection breeding, high-generation seed orchard, breeding population size

Document Type

S&T and Society


Superior varieties of rubber trees are crucial elements in achieving stable production and supply of natural rubber. In China, rubber tree planting areas are situated at the northern edga of the world’s tropical zone and thus belong to non-traditional rubber tree planting areas with climatic conditions inferior to the traditional ones in Southeast Asia. The planted rubber trees are frequently damaged by low temperatures and diseases. Therefore, an urgent need in natural rubber production is to develop varieties with highyield potential and strong stress-tolerance. The scarcity of such varieties is mainly ascribed to the highly heterozygous genome, a long juvenile period, and highly cross-pollination, making it difficult to integrate high-yielding traits and stress-tolerant traits. Furthermore, breeding selection efficiency is quite low, mainly due to the small size of hybrid segregant populations and long-term field work in the identification and selection of superior varieties. To address these challenges, it is recommended to apply the concept of genomic selection breeding to establish an efficient rubber tree breeding technology system. This can be achieved by establishing a highgeneration rubber tree seed orchard to continuously expand the breeding population size and realize multi-trait integration. By doing so, new and improved varieties of rubber trees can be developed with high-yield potential and strong stress-tolerance, ensuring stable production and supply of natural rubber in non-traditional planting areas like China.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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