
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


future technology, risk, identification, techno-economic security

Document Type

Theory and Practice of Techno-economic Security


Under the background of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, the future technology represented by disruptive technology and emerging technology has become the focus of attention and game among countries. The future technology is not only related to taking the lead in future development, enhancing national strength and competitiveness, but also related to whether the economy and national security can be maintained. Based on the perspective of techno-economic security, this study analyzes the connotation and characteristics of future technology, puts forward the ‘three stages and three levels’ economic security influential mechanism of future technology, and constructs a three-dimensional risk identification framework of technology, economy and policy for future technology. On this basis, it proposes the main risks we should pay attention to at present, and measures to prevent future technology risks, such as strengthening the tracking evaluation, strengthening the strategic research, improving the innovation ecosystem, and optimizing the governance mode.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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