"Analysis of Germany’s Experience on Development of Biosphere Reserves " by Yijie XIAN, Ning LIU et al.

Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB),biosphere reserve,protected area,sustainable development,nomination and periodic review,national strategy

Document Type

Policy & Management Research


Germany has integrated biosphere reserves into the national strategy of sustainable development, and has built an outstanding biosphere reserve system nationwide, which has played a key role in maintaining the stability of ecosystem, exploring sustainable use of natural resources, innovating social development models, prospering local economies and providing an important platform to carry out comprehensive research on human and nature relationship. The experience of Germany includes:long and solid accumulation in the development of protected areas; deep understanding from authorities and the folk of the concept of Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) and the value of biosphere reserves, and more attention to their dissemination and popularization; strong support from federal and local governments in areas of politics, legislation, scientific research and international cooperation; full reflection of the demonstration value of biosphere reserves; innovative in the nomination and periodic review of biosphere reserves. Based on Germany's experience, suggestions to China authorities include:enhancing awareness of the public about MAB and biosphere reserves; strengthening national support and promoting the creation of the "Chinese model" in the area of biosphere reserves; incorporating biosphere reserves into the legislation of protected area system underway; establishing national norms for the nomination and periodic review; strengthening international exchanges and cooperation, and jointly creating differentiated models of biosphere reserves development, so as to help pave a way for further development of MAB, and enable to establish a community of shared future for mankind.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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