
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


NSFC,female scientists,policy effectiveness,policy suggestion

Document Type

Policy & Management Research


Women are a key force in the scientific and technological research workforce. Since 2010, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) has launched a series of measures to support female researchers, which have been widely praised by the scientific and technological community. For ten years since the policy was implemented, the NSFC has gradually become the cradle for the growth of female researchers. It has increased the participation of women in scientific research, increased the opportunities for breastfeeding women to apply for and receive funding, and boosted the growth and development of high-level female researchers. Significant achievements have been made in raising awareness of gender equality in the field of science and technology. In order to further promote gender equality in the field of scientific research, combined with the main obstacles and policy deficiencies affecting the growth of female scientists, it is proposed to strengthen policy coordination, improve the mechanism for high-level female researchers to stand out, and give better play to women's consulting and decisionmaking role in scientific and technological activities in the new era.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


1 李睿婕, 赵延东, 马缨. 新时期女性科研人员面临的发展机遇和挑战. 科技中国, 2018, (4):81-82.

Li R J, Zhao Y D, Ma Y. Development opportunities and challenges faced by female researchers in the new era. Science and technology of China, 2018, (4):81-82. (in Chinese)

2 黄园淅, 赵吝加. 我国女性科研人员发展现状、挑战及政策演变. 中国科学基金, 2018, 32(6):622-628.

Huan Y X, Zhao L J. The development of women scientists in China and its supporting policy. Bulletin of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2018, 32(6):622-628. (in Chinese)

3 朱雅兰. ""妇女与科技""应成为性别平等领域的新关切. 山东女子学院学报, 2020, 149(1):57-66.

Zhu Y L. ""Women and Technology"" Should Become a New Concern of Gender Equality. Journal of Shandong Women's University, 2020, 149(1):57-66. (in Chinese)

4 黄千千, 阎静. 困境与突破:新时代女性科技工作者的发展现状及对策研究. 经济研究导刊, 2022, 497(3):122-125.

Huang Q Q, Yan J. Research on the Impact of Listed Companies' Performance of Social Responsibility on Financial Performance. Economic Research Guide, 2022, 497(3):122-125. (in Chinese)

5 吕科伟, 韩晋芳. 美国、欧盟与中国女性科技人力资源发展状况的比较研究. 中国人力资源开发, 2015, (3):62-69.

Lv K W, Han J F. A Comparative Study on Development of Female S&T Human Resources Capability in US, EU and China. Human Resources Development of China, 2015, (3):62-69. (in Chinese)

6 马缨. 支持科研领域女性发展的政策及措施——国际经验与中国现状. 中国科技论坛, 2017, (3):180-184.

Ma Y. Policies and Measures Towards Promoting Women's Development in S&T Fields——International Experiences and China's Status. Forum on Science and Technology in China, 2017, (3):180-184. (in Chinese)

7 苏帆. 美欧日韩支持女性科技人才发展的做法.中国人才, 2022, (9):58-59.

Su F. Practices that support the development of female scientists of the United States, Europe, Japan and South Korea. Chinese Talents, 2022, (9):58-59. (in Chinese)

8 高瑞平. 行动起来,促进我国女性科研人员的成长发展. 中国科学基金, 2011, 25(2):94-96.

Gao R P. Take action to facilitate women's career development in science. Bulletin of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2011, 25(2):94-96. (in Chinese)

9 赵延东, 马缨, 廖苗. 国家自然科学基金支持女性科学家成长发展的政策及其效果. 中国科学基金, 2016, 30(5):403-409.

Zhao Y D, Ma Y, Liao M. NSFC's preferential policies to women scientists and their effects. Bulletin of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2016, 30(5):403-409. (in Chinese)

10 蒋永萍. 进一步促进科学中的性别平等——国家自然科学基金特别政策措施分析. 山东女子学院学报, 2021, 159(5):1-9.

Jiang Y P. Further Enhancing Gender Equality in Science Analysis of the Special Policy of NSFC. Journal of Shandong Women's University, 2021, 159(5):1-9. (in Chinese)

11 Ma Y, Zhao Y, Gong X, et al. Close the gender gap in Chinese science. Nature. 2018, 557:25-27.

12 王惠文, 黄文阳, 赵青, 等. 关于适当延长杰青项目女性申请者年龄的建议. 中国科学基金, 2019, 33(5):453-457.

Wang H W, Huang W Y, Zhao Q, et al. Suggestions on prolonging the age of female applicants in the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. Bulletin of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2019, 33(5):453-457. (in Chinese)

13 莫洁. 科技领域的女性值得也必须被更多""看见"". 光明日报, 2021-07-21(02). Mo J. Women scientist deserve and must be seen more. Guangming Daily, 2021-07-21(02). (in Chinese)

14 李志红. 如何激励女性科技人才创新. 科技与金融, 2020, (3):11-13.

Li Z H. How to motivate female tech talent to innovate. Scitech Finance Monthly, 2020, (3):11-13. (in Chinese)

15 叶京, 魏华颖. 韩国女性科技人才政策的演进、成效及启示. 全球科技经济瞭望, 2022, 37(3):52-58.

Ye J, Wei H Y. Research on the Policy's Evolution, Effect and Enlightenment of Female Sci-tech Talents in South Korea. Global Science Technology and Economy, 2022, 37(3):52-58. (in Chinese)

16 吴军华,李菁雯. 支持女性科技人才在科技创新中发挥更大作用. 中国妇女报, 2021-09-07(01). Wu J H, Li J W. Support female scientific and technological talents to play a greater role in scientific and technological innovation. China Women's Daily, 2021-09-07(01). (in Chinese)

17 姚鹏. 湖北出台意见支持女性科技人才发展. 中国妇女报, 2022-09-06(01). Yao P. Hubei issued opinions to support the development of female scientific and technological talents. China Women's Daily, 2022-09-06(01). (in Chinese)

18 姚建,王丹青. 山东试点设立女性科技人才生育后科研回归基金. 中国妇女报, 2021-09-29(01). Yao J, Wang D Q. Shandong piloted the establishment of a scientific research return fund for female scientific and technological talents after childbirth. China Women's Daily, 2021-09-29(01). (in Chinese)

19 章梅芳. 从女性参与到性别创新:科技领域的性别平等之路. 科技与金融, 2020, (3):7-10.

Zhang M F. From Women's Participation to Gender Innovation:The Path to gender equality in science and technology. Sci-tech Finance Monthly, 2020, (3):7-10. (in Chinese)

20 贾增科. 我国女性科技人才高端缺失原因分析. 科技管理研究, 2017, 37(2):121-124.

Jia Z K. The analysis of why female scientists and technicians lacked in China. Science and Technology Management Research, 2017, 37(2):121-124. (in Chinese)

21 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. STEM education for girls and women:breaking barriers and exploring gender inequality in Asia. (2020-12-09)[2022-08-31]. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000375106.

22 李燕萍, 王诗婧. 科技领域的巾帼之路? STEM领域女性工作者职业发展研究回顾与展望.中国人力资源开发, 2022, 39(9):42-53.

Li Y P, Wang S J. The career development path of women in stem fields:A review and prospect. Human Resources Development of China, 2022, 39(9):42-53. (in Chinese)

23 耿挺. 打破科技女性的""玻璃天花板"". 上海科技报, 2021-11-05(01). Geng T. Breaking the ""glass ceiling"" of women scientists. Shanghai Science and Technology, 2021-11-05(01). (in Chinese)

24 于璇, 陈钟, 董超, 等. 国家杰出青年科学基金实施情况回顾与思考. 中国科学基金, 2021, 35(4):558-566.

Yu X, Chen Z, Dong C, et al. Review and reflection on the implementation of the national science fund for distinguished young scholars. Bulletin of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2021, 35(4):558-566. (in Chinese)

25 王海媚. 科技革命中的杰出女性:性别不是科研能力分界线. 中国妇女报, 2022-09-14(07). Wang H M. Outstanding Women in the Science Revolution:Gender is not the dividing line for scientific competence. China Women's Daily, 2022-09-14(07). (in Chinese)

26 United Nations. Transforming Our World:The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. (2015-09-25)[2015-10-21]. https://sdgs.un.org/2030agenda.

27 习近平.促进妇女全面发展共建共享美好世界——在全球妇女峰会上的讲话.人民日报, 2015-09-28(03). Xi J P. Promoting Women's All-round Development and Building a Better World Together-Speech at the Global Women's Summit. People's Daily, 2015-09-28(03). (in Chinese)

28 张明妍, 张丽, 王国强, 等. 科技社团中女性发展现状与对策研究. 科学学研究, 2016, 34(9):1404-1407.

Zhang M Y, Zhang L, Wang G Q, et al. Study on women's development in science and technology associations. Studies in Science of Science, 2016, 34(9):1404-1407. (in Chinese)

29 Gu C. Women scientists in China:Current status and aspirations. National Science Review, 2021, 8(10):1-5.

30 陈至立. 实施""女性高层次人才成长状况研究与政策推动项目""为女性人才成长创造更好条件. 创新时代, 2010, (3):18-23.

Chen Z L. Implement the ""Research and Policy Promotion Project on the Growth of High-level Female Talents"" to create better conditions for the growth of female talents. Innovation Time, 2010, (3):18-23. (in Chinese)

31 陆成宽. 给予女性科技工作者更多关注、支持和尊重. 科技日报, 2021-11-08(01). Lu C K. Give more attention, support and respect to female science and technology workers. Science and Technology Daily, 2021-11-08(01). (in Chinese)
