
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


coastal squeeze, sea level rise, coastal wetlands, integrated conservation and restoration, "three-line integration" spatial strategy, ecological security pattern

Document Type

Policy & Management Research


Coastal wetlands function as key socioeconomic resources as well as ecological barriers for sustainable development in coastal regions. Although previous research and practices indicate that restoration of degraded wetlands needs combination with intact natural wetlands to achieve best integrated ecosystem services, this kind of integration is still lacking both in research and practice. In the past decades, increased land reclamation coupling with climate change (e.g. sea level rise) have led considerable coastal squeeze effects and intensified degradation and loss in coastal wetlands along Chinese coastline, restoration of damaged coastal wetlands is therefore urgently needed to enhance the overall ecological functions of coastal wetlands and to strengthen the coastal resilience under coupled human-natural stresses. Here, a framework of "three-line integration" spatial strategy is conceptualized to develop ecological security pattern of coastal wetlands in China. The proposed spatial strategy addresses to establish an integrated coastal ecological security pattern by delineating RGB (red-green-blue) multiple zones, in which red-line area (remaining nature habitats) is prioritized for coastal wetland conservation, incorporating with green-line area (impaired habitats with high restoration potential) reserved for urgent restoration and blue-line area allocated for adaption to long-term sea level rise. In addition, some related issues were discussed covering coastal wetland conservation and restoration, wise land use and sustainable development.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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