
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


food system, sustainable development goals, sustainable food system, food security, strategic thinking

Document Type

Strategy & Policy Decision Research


Food system is the foundation of human society, thus the sustainable transition of food system is one of the key topics towards global sustainability. Facing the global climate crisis, regional conflict, and pandemic that unseen in a century, it becomes critical to build a sustainable food system in line with the Chinese context for ensuring its grain and food security, national nutrition and health, social justice, ecological balance, market effectiveness, and system resilience. To address these focuses, this study analyzed the main issues and challenges faced by China's current food system, and decoded the relationship between food system and sustainable development goals of the United Nations from supply, demand, and security guarantee mechanism perspectives. Based on these, this study developed a conceptual framework for sustainable food system from life cycle, global, and system perspectives. This study further identified six key dimensions, including security, health, justice, greenness, economy, and resilience, for constructing the strategic framework of China's sustainable food system, and proposed paths ahead for implementation. We hope to provide some system reflections on how to ensure China's food security in the new era and further to contribute to sustainable global food system transition with Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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