
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


consumer goods; standardization; policy

Document Type

Strategy & Policy Decision Research


Small products and large integration of consumer goods is a tangible carrier reflecting a country's innovation capacity, manufacturing capacity and international competitiveness, and a physical embodiment of meeting people's needs for a better life. The marketization of China's consumer goods industry developed early and has played a leading role in stimulating the domestic cycle and promoting the international cycle for a long time. The standardization of consumer goods and industrial practice have been coordinating with each other and making mutual adaptations from the beginning, and have gone through the stages from scratch, to fast development and to sound development. This has effectively standardized, promoted and guided the industrial development. At present, the standardization of consumer goods in Europe, America and other major developed countries has entered a new stage of "safer, more transparent, more environmentally friendly and healthier". However, China's consumer goods industry has got into a state with slow growth, weak domestic demand, and severe and complex export situation. The market development and industrial practice is raising new requirements on five aspects:innovation, health, ecology, culture and service. On the basis of summarizing China's historical experiences in developing the consumer goods standardization and lessons learned from foreign practices, this study analyzes the market performance and the needs of industrial practice in the current stage of consumer goods standardization, and puts forward the "seven transformations" of consumer goods standardization in the new period. It aims to provide reference for practice and decision-making on implementing the National Standardization Development Outline and formulating consumer goods standardization policies suitable for the strategic task of constructing a new development pattern.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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