
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


COVID-19; quarantine and isolation; spatial organization; centralized hierarchical management; decentralized autonomy

Document Type

Policy & Management Research


Quarantine and isolation are effective means to prevent transmission of COVID-19, but the problems arised during the period of quarantine and isolation are worth pondering. This article first streamlines five types of problems during the recent period of quarantine and isolation. Based on a brief review of related research on domestic and international literature, the article argues that it will be a suitable approach to carry out research from the perspective of spatial organization combined with the concept of systems theory. Then, it explores the reasons of the aforementioned problems from the objective laws of spatial organization and systems theory. It points out that the lack of systematical consideration of quarantine and isolation decisions in theory and the absence of preparations for switching from normal to abnormal status in practice are the fundamental reasons. Finally, three policy suggestions have been proposed from the perspectives of the optimization of spatial organization system, the enhancement of infrastructure and capabilities, and the backup mechanism and drills.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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