
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


manufacturing, open innovation, open innovation trends, policy suggestion

Document Type

Strategy & Policy Decision Research


At present, the new technology revolution and industrial transformation are accelerately reshaping the international industrial division of labor. It is urgent to adhere to the basic principles of "open cooperation, green and low carbon, value co-creation, and codevelopment", promote open innovation and cooperation in key areas of the manufacturing industry, and improve the open innovation and development capability in the manufacturing industry. This study first summarizes the open innovation trends of global manufacturing industries. Second, it analyzes major countries' policies in promoting open innovation in the manufacturing industry. Third, the current situation and problems of China's manufacturing open innovation is demonstrated. Finally, this study puts forward the policy suggestions of China's manufacturing open innovation as strengthening the co-R&D system and capacity building and improving the manufacturing technology supply capacity, strengthening the co-design system and capacity building and enhancing the manufacturing market responsiveness, strengthening the co-production system and capacity building and enhancing the international competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, strengthening the co-service system and capacity building and leading the development direction of service-oriented manufacturing, and strengthening the codevelopment of ecosystem and environment construction and promoting the open and innovative development of the manufacturing industry.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


1 学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义经济思想做好 "十四五"规划编制和发展改革工作丛书编写组. 推动制造业高质量发展. 北京:中国市场出版社, 中国计划出版社, 2020.

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16 中华人民共和国驻欧盟使团. 欧盟批准17.5亿欧元微电子联合研究和创新综合计划. (2018-12-18)[2020-09-15]. http://www.chinamission.be/chn/kjhz/t1626902.htm. Mission of the People's Republic of China to the European Union. European Commission approves the €1.75 billion plan to support joint research and innovation project in microelectronics. (2018-12-18)[2020-09-15]. http://www. chinamission.be/chn/kjhz/t1626902.htm. (in Chinese)

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23 万勇, 黄健. 美英两国制造业协同网络建设比较分析及其启示. 世界科技研究与发展, 2020, 42(6):555-564.

Wan Y, Huang J. Comparison analysis and implications on cooperative network construction of manufacturing between U.S. and U.K. World Sci-Tech R&D, 2020, 42(6):555-564. (in Chinese)

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29 中华人民共和国中央人民政府. 国务院办公厅关于进一步做好稳外贸稳外资工作的意见. (2020-08-12)[2020- 08-22]. http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/2020-08/12/content_5534361.htm. State Council of the People's Republic of China. Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on further stabilizing foreign trade and foreign investment. (2020-08-12)[2020- 08-22]. http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/2020-08/12/content_5534361.htm. (in Chinese)

30 中华人民共和国中央人民政府. 国务院办公厅关于推进对外贸易创新发展的实施意见. (2020-11-09)[2020- 08-22]. http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/2020-11/09/content_5559659.htm. State Council of the People's Republic of China. Implementation opinions of the General Office of the State Council on promoting the innovative development of foreign trade. (2020-11-09)[2020-08-22]. http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/2020-11/09/content_5559659.htm. (in Chinese)

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32 龚正. 龚正市长在上海市第十五届人民代表大会第五次会议的政府工作报告(2021年). (2021-02-01)[2021- 02-01]. https://www.shanghai.gov.cn/nw12336/20210201/ca9e963912cc4c30be7b63799374cd86.html.Gong Z. The government work report made at the sixth session of the 15th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress. (2021-02-01)[2021-02-01]. https://www.shanghai.gov.cn/nw12336/20210201/ca9e963912cc4c30be7b63799374cd86. html. (in Chinese)

33 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部. 工业和信息化部关于完善制造业创新体系,推进制造业创新中心建设的指导意见. (2016-08-30)[2020-08-22]. https://www.miit.gov.cn/jgsj/kjs/gzdt/art/2020/art_eff1e7a2b5ed40c29e6bbfda228fa04f. html. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China. Guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on improving the manufacturing innovation system and promoting the construction of manufacturing innovation centers. (2016- 08-30)[2020-08-22]. https://www.miit.gov.cn/jgsj/kjs/gzdt/art/2020/art_eff1e7a2b5ed40c29e6bbfda228fa04f.html. (in Chinese)

34 中华 人民 共和 国工 业和 信息 化部. 工业 和信 息化 部办公厅关于公布 2 0 2 0年制造业与互联网融合发展试点示范名单的通知. (2021-01-27)[2021-01-27]. https://wap.miit.gov.cn/zwgk/zcwj/wjfb/rjy/art/2021/art_b5f2c6af5a4443c793c093a3f30c2070.html. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China. Notice from the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on announcement of the pilot demonstration list of integrated development of manufacturing industry and internet in 2020. (2021-01-27)[2021-01-27]. https://wap.miit.gov.cn/zwgk/zcwj/wjfb/rjy/art/2021/art_b5f2c6af5a4443c793c093a3f3 0c2070.html. (in Chinese)

35 国家统计局社会科技和文化产业统计司. 全国企业创新调查年鉴2020. 北京:中国统计出版社, 2020.

Department of Social, Science and Technology, and Cultural Statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics of China. Enterprise Survey for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in China in 2020.

Beijing:China Statistics Press, 2020. (in Chinese)

36 国家统计局社会科技和文化产业统计司, 科学技术部战略规划司. 中国科技统计年鉴2021. 北京:中国统计出版社, 2021.

Department of Social, Science and Technology, and Cultural Statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics of China, Department of Strategy and Planning of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China.

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