
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


science and technology ethics, Think Tank Double Helix Methodology, methodological innovation

Document Type

Application and Empirical Analysis of Think Tank Double Helix Methodology


The rapid development of modern science and technology not only brings benefits to human society, but also brings huge ethical risks and challenges. How to carry out systematic science and technology ethics research has become an important issue currently. Science and technology ethics research is a typical interdisciplinary, comprehensive, and complex think tank problem that draws upon the fields of natural sciences and social sciences. The relevant research is reviewed to found out important issues and themes in the field, and the think tank double helix methodology is used to propose conceptual framework and practical method in the science and technology ethics research, aiming to propose a methodological innovation in the field of science and technology ethics research.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


1 刘瑞琳, 陈凡. 技术设计的创新方法与伦理考量——弗里德曼的价值敏感设计方法论述评. 东北大学学报(社会科学版), 2014, 16(3):232-237.

Liu R L, Chen F. Innovative approaches and ethical considerations of technical design-A review on B. Friedman's value sensitive design. Journal of Northeastern University (Social Science), 2014, 16(3):232-237. (in Chinese)

2 潘教峰. 智库研究的双螺旋结构. 中国科学院院刊, 2020,35(7):907-916.

Pan J F. Double helix structure of think tank research. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2020, 35(7):907-916. (in Chinese)

3 习近平. 加快建设科技强国实现高水平科技自立自强. 求是, 2022, (5):4-9.

Xi J P. Accelerate the construction of a powerful country with science and technology, realize high-level scientific and technological self-reliance. Qiu Shi, 2022, (5):4-9.

4 张慧, 李秋甫, 李正风. 合成生物学的伦理争论:根源、维度与走向. 科学学研究, 2022, 40(4):577-585.

Zhang H, Li Q F, Li Z F. Ethical debates on Synthetic Biology: Roots, dimensions, and its trends. Studies in Science of Science, 2022, 40(4):577-585. (in Chinese)

5 Jackson B R, Ye Y, Crawford J M, et al. The ethics of artificial intelligence in pathology and laboratory medicine: Principles and practice. Academic Pathology, 2021, 8: 2374289521990784.

6 Salganik M J. Bit by bit:Social Research in the Digital Age. New Jersey:Princeton University Press, 2019.

7 Ross F C, Moll T. Assisted reproduction:Politics, ethics and anthropological futures. Medical Anthropology, 2020, 39(6): 553-562.

8 Mackenzie S C, Wickins-Drazilova D, Wickins J. The ethics of fertility treatment for same-sex male couples:Considerations for a modern fertility clinic. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology, 2020, 244:71-75.

9 Jarchum I. The ethics of neurotechnology. Nature Biotechnology, 2019, 37(9):993-996.

10 张秋菊, 周吉银, 蒋辉. 我国干细胞临床研究现状与伦理问题分析. 中国医学伦理学, 2022, 35(3):259-262.

Zhang Q J, Zhou J Y, Jiang H. Analysis on current situation and ethical problems of stem cell clinical research in China. Chinese Medical Ethics, 2022, 35(3):259-262. (in Chinese)

11 杨军凤, 张洪江. 人类基因编辑技术伦理监管问题研究——基于博弈论视角. 中国医学伦理学, 2022, 35(2): 164-168.

Yang J F, Zhang H J. Research on the ethical supervision of human gene editing technology:Based on the perspective of game theory. Chinese Medical Ethics, 2022, 35(2):164-168. (in Chinese)

12 黎欣盈, 张念樵, 钟筱华, 等. 人类辅助生殖技术应用的伦理问题及工作实践. 中国医学伦理学, 2021, 34(7):856- 860.

Li X Y, Zhang N Q, Zhong X H, et al. Ethical issues and practices of the application of human assisted reproductive technology. Chinese Medical Ethics, 2021, 34(7):856-860. (in Chinese)

13 李磊, 王国豫. 深部脑刺激:同一性、能动性和责任. 哲学动态, 2019, (6):109-116.

Li L, Wang G Y. Deep brain stimulation:Identity, initiative and responsibility. Philosophical Trends, 2019, (6):109-116. (in Chinese)

14 彭耀进, 李伟. 生命科技伦理问题与治理策略——以人-动物嵌合体研究为例. 科技导报, 2020, 38(5):42-49.

Peng Y J, Li W. Ethical issues and governance of life science and technology:A case study on human-animal chimeras. Science & Technology Review, 2020, 38(5):42-49. (in Chinese)

15 薛孚, 陈红兵. 大数据隐私伦理问题探究. 自然辩证法研究, 2015, 31(2):44-48.

Xue F, Chen H B. Anylysis of privacy ethics of big data. Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2015, 31(2):44-48. (in Chinese)

16 Ferretti A, Ienca M, Hurst S, et al. Big data, biomedical research, and ethics review:New challenges for IRBs. Ethics & Human Research, 2020, 42(5):17-28.

17 ISSCR. Guidelines for the Field of Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine. (2021-05-27). https://www.isscr. org/policy/guidelines-for-stem-cell-research-and-clinicaltranslation.

18 于雪, 段伟文. 人工智能的伦理建构. 理论探索, 2019, (6): 43-49.

Yu X, Duan W W. Ethical construction of artificial intelligence. Theoretical Exploration, 2019, (6):43-49. (in Chinese)

19 史洁. 大数据背景下个人信息保护研究. 唐山:华北理工大学, 2021.

Shi J. Research on Personal Information Protection in the Context of Big Data. Tangshan:North China University of Science and Technology, 2021. (in Chinese)

20 方兴东, 钟祥铭. 国际传播新格局下的中国战略选择—— 技术演进趋势下的范式转变和对策研究. 社会科学辑刊, 2022, (1):70-81.

Fang X D, Zhong X M. China's strategic choice under the new pattern of international communication:A paradigm shift and countermeasures research under the trend of technological evolution. Social Science Journal, 2022, (1):70-81. (in Chinese)

21 Mandela N. Our Global Neighborhood:The Report of the Commission on Global Governance. New York:Oxford University Press, 1995:754-756.

22 陈海丹, 张冰倩. 中国人类基因组的ELSI研究态势分析. 科学学研究, 2022, doi:10.16192/j.cnki.1003-2053.20220124. 001.

Chen H D, Zhang B Q. Situation Analysis of Research on the ELSI of Human Genomics in China. Study in Science of Science, 2022, doi:1-18.10.16192/j.cnki.1003-2053. 20220124.001

23 何光喜, 赵延东, 张文霞, 等. 公众对转基因作物的接受度及其影响因素基于六城市调查数据的社会学分析. 社会, 2015, 35(1):121-142.

He G X, Zhao Y D, Zhang W X, et al. A sociological analysis on the public acceptance of GM crops in China:Based on a sampling survey in 6 cities. Chinese Journal of Sociology, 2015, 35(1):121-142. (in Chinese)

24 黄小茹. ELSI研究的进展与趋势. 科学与社会, 2012, 2(1): 56-68.

Huang X R. The development and tendency of ELSI research. Science and Society, 2012, 2(1):56-68. (in Chinese)

25 薛桂波, 赵一秀. 基于"负责任创新"的欧盟科技政策转型及启示. 中国科技论坛, 2017, (4):172-177.

Xue G B, Zhao Y X. Transformation of EU S & T policy based on RRI and its references to China. Forum on Science and Technology in China, 2017, (4):172-177. (in Chinese)

26 Kiran A H, Oudshoorn N, Verbeek P P. Beyond checklists: Toward an ethical-constructive technology assessment. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 2015, 2(1):5-19.

27 Nuffield Council on Bioethics. Horizon scanning. (2022-01- 13). https://www.nuffieldbioethics.org/what-we-do/horizonscanning.

28 李杨. 科技伦理研究的三重向度. 大连理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2013, 34(2):103-107.

Li Y. Three dimensions of science and technology ethics study. Journal of Dalian University of Technology (Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):103-107. (in Chinese)

29 方玉东, 常宏建, 陈越, 等. 基于词频分析的中国科研伦理研究评价. 中国科学基金, 2015, 29(5):365-370.

Fang Y D, Chang H J, Chen Y, et al. Evaluation of scientific research ethics studies in China based on word frequency analysis. Bulletin of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2015, 29(5):365-370. (in Chinese)

30 于雪, 凌昀, 李伦. 新兴科技伦理治理的问题及其对策. 科学与社会, 2021, 11(4):51-65.

Yu X, Ling Y, Li L. Ethical governance of emerging science and technology:Issues and strategies. Science and Society, 2021, 11(4):51-65. (in Chinese)

31 本刊编辑部. 科技发展不要忘记"为了人"这一初心—— 潘教峰研究员访谈. 中国科学院院刊, 2017, 32(6):637- 640.

Editorial Office of Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Initial people-oriented intention should not be forgotten in S&T development-Interview with Pan Jiaofeng. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2017, 32(6):637-640. (in Chinese)
