
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


digital economy, high-quality development, monitoring and evaluation, statistical accounting, indicator system

Document Type

Policy & Management Research


The digital economy has become the core force in leading economic development and building a new international pattern, and it is the key to achieving high-quality development. How to monitor and evaluate the development level of the digital economy has become an important issue in formulating industrial and regulatory policies for the digital economy reasonably, ensuring the healthy and orderly development of the digital economy, and thus stabilizing the national economic development. The value-added-based statistical system, which was born from the industrial economy, is constrained by data and methods, so it is difficult to accurately measure the level of development of digital economy and effectively measure the social value brought by the development of digital economy. Based on the current situation of China's digital economy development and systematic review of the theoretical basis and current methods of digital economy evaluation, this study combines the development law of digital economy and the target of China's digital economy development, shifts the evaluation orientation from the perspective of "GDP only" to the perspective of high-quality development, and systematically builds a monitoring and evaluation indicator system that takes into account statistical scientificity, regional comparability, data continuity and evaluation operability. This study also combines the monitoring and evaluation system with the practice of Beijing's global digital economy benchmark city construction, monitors and evaluates the digital economy based on high-quality development oriented to the development needs of Beijing's digital economy. This is a useful exploration on how to monitor and evaluate the digital economy, and provides a reference for how the country and regions can grasp the law of digital economy development and build a digital economy monitoring and evaluation system according to local conditions.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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