
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


national strategic scientific and technological strength; national research institution; Chinese Academy of Sciences; China's space industry; the U.S. National Laboratory

Document Type

World Science and Technology Power Construction - Last Ten Years Review and Future Trend of Science and Technology of China - Policy & Management Research


An important task of enhancing strategic scientific and technological strength is to strengthen national scientific research institutions. From the history of science and the international development, this study discusses the development of the national research institutions and their characteristics as a national strategic strength of science and technology, and discusses the role of Chinese national research institutions in national development, summarizes the achievements and successful experience of the national research institutions for facing the needs of the country, facing the frontier of science and technology, facing the main economic battlefield, and facing the life and health of the people during past ten years. Based on these discussions, policy suggestions are provided for the future development of national scientific research institutions.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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11 樊洪业. 中国科学院人的历史担当. 科学文化评论, 2014, 11(6):5-23.

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13 白春礼. 改革开放先锋创新发展引擎——中国科学院改革开放四十年. 中国科学院院刊, 2018, 33(12):1277-1281.

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17 中科院深海科学与工程研究所. 牵头组织"奋斗者"号攻关与海试勇攀深海科技高峰. 旗帜, 2020, (12):64-65.

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18 张新民. 从新冠病毒疫苗研发看我国战略科技力量建设. 中国科学院院刊, 2021, 36(6):709-715.

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