
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


disruptive technology; technology identification; methodological framework; on emerging stage; based on science

Document Type

World Science and Technology Power Construction - Last Ten Years Review and Future Trend of Science and Technology of China - Policy & Management Research


To realize sci-tech self-reliance and self-strengthening at higher levels in China, it is imperative for disruptive technologies to embark on a new journey and open new horizons. The layout and development of disruptive technologies is a complicated and systematic project with strategic significance, in which the identification of disruptive technologies holds the key and serves as the premise. To this end, based on the underlying logic that disruptive technologies are destined to transit from marginalized forces to mainstream power in the future through the process of 10→3→1 constringency, on the understanding that the generation of disruptive technologies is driven by science and technology, the study puts forward the identifying approach of "identifying-selecting-evaluating", and develops a methodological framework for identifying disruptive technologies based on science with a view to providing reference for the early identification of disruptive technologies.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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17 中国科学院颠覆性技术创新研究组. 颠覆性技术创新研究——生命科学领域. 北京:科学出版社, 2020:6-35.

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18 孙永福, 王礼恒, 孙棕檀, 等. 引发产业变革的颠覆性技术内涵与遴选研究. 中国工程科学, 2017, 19(5):9-16.

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19 王安, 孙棕檀, 沈艳波, 等. 国外颠覆性技术识别方法浅析. 中国工程科学, 2017, 19(5):79-84.

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22 王知津, 周鹏, 韩正彪. 基于情景分析法的技术预测研究. 图书情报知识, 2013, (5):115-122.

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23 黄鲁成, 蒋林杉, 吴菲菲. 萌芽期颠覆性技术识别研究. 科技进步与对策, 2019, 36(1):10-17.

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24 任海英, 于立婷, 王菲菲. 国内外技术预见研究现状分析——基于文献计量学视角. 科技管理研究, 2016, 36(14):254-261.

Ren H Y, Yu L T, Wang F F. The analysis of technology foresight research in China and abroad-Based on bibliometrics. Science and Technology Management Research, 2016, 36(14):254-261. (in Chinese)

25 张光宇, 谢卫红, 胡仁杰. 颠覆性创新:SNM视角. 北京:科学出版社, 2016:149-151.

Zhang G Y, Xie W H, Hu R J. Disruptive Innovation:SNM Perspective. Beijing:Science Press, 2016:149-151. (in Chinese)

26 李万. 科技创新的不可预见性:预见和规划的重要理念基石. 创新科技, 2019, 19(2):1-5.

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27 白光祖, 郑玉荣, 吴新年, 等. 基于文献知识关联的颠覆性技术预见方法研究与实证. 情报杂志, 2017, 36(9):38-44.

Bai G Z, Zheng Y R, Wu X N, et al. Research and demonstration on forecasting method of disruptive technology based on literature knowledge correlation. Journal of Intelligence, 2017, 36(9):38-44. (in Chinese)

28 张玉磊, 戴海闻, 许泽浩, 等. 颠覆性技术遴选的基本原则与运行流程研究. 科技管理研究, 2020, 40(13):209-216.

Zhang Y, Dai H W, Xu Z H, et al. Research on the basic principles and operation process of disruptive technology selection. Science and Technology Management Research, 2020, 40(13): 209-216. (in Chinese)

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