
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


carbon neutrality technological innovation policy international experience fiscal and tax incentives

Document Type

S&T Supporting Realization of Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Goals - Strategic Research on Science and Technology


This study focuses on the strategies, targets and policy measures for carbon neutrality in global major economies. The research shows that due to the different socio-economic and political foundations, the transition strategy towards carbon neutrality in major economies is also varied, which can be divided into four categories:leading strategy, growth strategy, following strategy, and swing strategy. Most of them build carbon neutrality target system with the framework of "target roadmap+targets in key areas", but leading countries usually integrate targets into legislation and thus the objective is legally binding, while others tend to weaken emission reduction targets and focus on the development goals of emerging industries. The main reason is that the existing technologies fail to support the realization of carbon neutrality. Most economies attach importance to S&T innovation for carbon neutrality with the purpose of increasing industrial competitiveness. But the pursuit of "local manufacturing" in Europe and America may not be conducive to reducing the cost of new technologies. In terms of market incentives, carbon emission trading market is widely used, but the carbon pricing mechanism still needs to be further optimized. This study has important enlightenment significance for China to improve carbon neutrality policy.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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