
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


market mechanism carbon liability carbon neutrality international cooperation voice during carbon neutralization

Document Type

S&T Supporting Realization of Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Goals - Strategic Research on Science and Technology


The market mechanism is the basis for achieving carbon neutrality. Through the market mechanism, the global cost can be the lowest to achieve carbon neutrality. Therefore, in the process of carbon neutralization, it is necessary to give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation. China has explored and accumulated experience in various market mechanisms for more than 10 years, and has established the carbon market, green certificate market, white certificate market, energy market, etc. At the same time, the power system is also strengthening market-oriented reform. Nevertheless, there are still imperfect systems and conflicts among various markets. Therefore, it is urgent to straighten out these markets so that they can play a synergistic role with maximum effect. This study combed and analyzed the current situation of the existing market mechanism and the relationship in between, then expounded the conflict and overlapping. On this basis, it is put forward that the energy-use rights market and the energy-saving market should be merged as soon as possible, the green certificate market and the carbon market should be unified, and the marketization process of the power system should be fully considered, so that the market mechanism can improve economic efficiency and emission reduction effects. In addition, with the evolution of globalization and deglobalization of market mechanism and supply chain, the voice during international cooperation becomes particularly important. Starting from clarifying carbon responsibility, strengthening the voice during international cooperation and carbon neutrality, this study analyzed the two basic modes of production responsibility and consumption responsibility, and held that the global carbon emission situation has undergone important changes. China's emissions are mainly concentrated on the production side, and the emissions of western developed countries (especially the United States) are more concentrated on the consumption side. Based on this, it is considered that China should adhere to the consumer responsibility principle of "beneficiary pays", and put forward policy suggestions on strengthening international cooperation in carbon neutralization in developing countries with scientific research as the guide, comprehensively considering carbon emission rights and improving the new carbon neutralization communication system.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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