
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


fossil energy highly efficient and clean utilization low carbonization technical suggestion carbon neutrality

Document Type

S&T Supporting Realization of Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Goals - Breakthroughs in Key and Core Technologies


Fossil energy utilization faces new challenges under carbon peak and carbon neutrality ("dual carbon" for short) targets. In this study, the present status of fossil energy utilization in China is summarized. Based on the situation of energy resources in China, the idea of highly efficient and clean utilization of fossil energy under dual carbon constraint is proposed. The technical development suggestions are put forward from three aspects including high efficient combustion and conversion of coal, high efficient utilization of oil and gas, and waste treatment of the chemical processing of coal. It aims to provide scientific and technological support for the realization of dual carbon targets and the construction of a new energy system.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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