
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


industrial process carbon neutral low carbon technologies industrial intelligence industry coupling

Document Type

S&T Supporting Realization of Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Goals - Breakthroughs in Key and Core Technologies


Focusing on the four major high carbon emission industries of steel, non-ferrous, chemical industry and building materials, through research and analysis, four low carbon strategies, i.e., green hydrogen/green electricity substitution, raw material/product structure adjustment, process flow re-construction and digital intelligence, are proposed. Combining the current status and the trends of technology development in different industries, a number of advanced low-carbon technologies are suggested, key scientific and technological challenges to be solved are condensed, and suggestions and initiatives to accelerate the application of new technologies and industrial transformation and upgrading are proposed, with a view to providing support for low-carbon and green industrial development.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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