
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


mathematical research; characteristics; funding

Document Type

Consultation of Academic Divisions and Suggestion of Academicians: Strategic Basic Research


Strengthening mathematical research aiming at the national strategic needs and major frontier problems is conducive to promoting mathematics research to play a more important strategic role in national development and international competition. This study analyzes the basic characteristics of mathematical research, summarizes the international experiences in funding mathematical research, and then deeply analyzes the major problems of Chinese funding mechanisms for mathematical research, such as the lack of overall planning, the short of sustainable and stable support, and the urgent need to improve the training, selecting, and funding mechanism for high-level mathematical talents. It also puts forward some policy suggestions, namely, improving the overall funding level of mathematics research, strengthening the stable support for high-level mathematical talents and bases, promoting the integration of mathematics and other disciplines, and building and stably supporting a high-level international mathematics exchange center.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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