
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


natural science, social science, integration, new think tank, science of think tank

Document Type

Think Tank Research


The relationship between natural science and social science has experienced convergence, separation, and convergence again, shows a trend of accelerated integration under the background of modernization. The genes of new think tanks come from the two sources, i.e., natural science and social science, which is the demand for decision-making consultation that put forward by modernization construction. The only way to develop the new think tank of high quality is to establish the organizational leadership and policy traction system of think tanks that integrate natural science and social science, the internal and external coordination system of think tank research, the scientific construction and personnel training system of think tanks, the decision-making consultation service and achievement evaluation system, and the driving system that complements the national strategic scientific and technological forces and the national strategic ideological forces. Promoting the formation of a strong reality orientation is the road must follow for the high quality development of new think tank, and so as for the new think tank to strengthen the national strategic thinking force and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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