
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)

Promoting Development of Urban-rural Integration by Urban Agriculture


urban agriculture urban-rural integration, rural revitalization, food security, carbon footprint

Document Type

S & T and Society


How to solve the widening gap between urban and rural areas caused by the rapid development of urbanization and its siphonic effect has become the focus of the whole society. The unique role of urban agriculture in expanding urban agricultural space, enhancing the elasticity of urban food supply, ensuring residents' physical and mental health, improving the ecological environment, and reducing carbon footprint was discussed, from the perspectives of urban agriculture's connotation and denotation, morphological characteristics and functions. Besides, the potential role of urban agriculture in solving the issues of rural and urban development and the method and strategies of integration between urban and rural areas were demonstrated respectively, and further correlative policy recommendations for promoting urban-rural integration development and rural revitalization were put forward.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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