
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


industrial cluster; digitalization; on-line industrial belt; matching; estimation

Document Type

Regional Innovation in China under Double Cycle Pattern


Digitalized industrial cluster is the new development trend of China’s digital economy. This study estimates the extent of digitalization of national industrial clusters in China, by using spatial statistics, visualization techniques, and cluster-belt matching, with data on clusters promoted by the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Informalization Technology, and Ministry of Science and Technology, and on-line industrial belts (2021) developed by Alibaba Group. The estimation finds that both the national clusters and on-line industrial belts co-existed in 72 cities, which account for 91.1 percent of the cities with national clusters; 134 or 84.3 percent of the 159 national clusters are co-located in the same city with on-line belts, both of which have identical or similar industries, with 44.7 percent for the identical industry group and 39.6 percent for the similar industry group.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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