
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


data element, marketization, data right delimitation, data pricing, trading mechanism

Document Type

Research on Market-oriented Allocation of Data Elements


Big data is the primary engine for advancing the development of the digital economy, and market-based data allocation is a crucial method for promoting the development of China's digital economy. However, the current issues of "unclear ownership", "difficult pricing", and "imperfect transaction mechanisms" have severely constrained the market-based allocation of data. The study begins with a discussion of the dilemma of data rights delimitation, pricing, and trading. Then review the strategic initiative of international data market construction and the development of China's data trading market. Finally, based on the practice of China's big data market construction, the study proposes some recommendations for constructing a high-level data element market. It is expected that the publication of this research would attract more scholars to investigate the market-based data allocation from different perspectives.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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