
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


algorithm, program algorithm, intellectual property right, regulatory exclusivity, quasi patent

Document Type

S & T and Society


Protection of algorithm by intellectual property is a powerful way to stimulate innovation and regulate the risk of the algorithm. Algorithm that can be protected by intellectual property right is the program algorithm, which is compiled in computer language, in the form of coded instruction sequence, run by the computer and produce independent rational value results. The article is combed out that there are drawbacks to the traditional path of IP to protect program algorithms:it has conflict between program algorithm and copyright law system; the trade secret path is at odds with program algorithmic governance; and program algorithm can hardly be identified as method invention and cannot apply the rule of method invention right. The article proposes it is the optimal approach of program algorithm intellectual property protection in intelligent society that, to construct the new program algorithm quasi patent right, with reference to the concept of quasi-patent right such as regulatory exclusive right, and to design the public review system, the equivalent infringement doctrine, the hierarchical protection period system, based on the technical characteristics of the algorithm itself.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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