
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


talent title, essential connotation, alienation of use, regression of essence

Document Type

Policy & Management Research


The management and use of the title of scientific and technological talents is related to the strategic planning of building a strong country in science and technology. In recent years, people have been widely criticized for the problems in the use of the titles of scientific and technological talents, and the whole society has been deeply worried about the management of many titles of scientific and technological talents. Therefore, it has important theoretical and practical value to systematically study the historical origin, connotation essence, and alienation of the title of scientific and technological talents, and find the way to return to the original essence of the title of scientific and technological talents. From a historical point of view, the title of scientific and technological talents is along with the implementation of the scientific and technological talent plan, which has its historical inevitability and rationality. From the essence of connotation, the title of scientific and technological talents is a selected symbol of a specific scientific and technological talent plan, an incentive mechanism to promote the growth of scientific and technological talents, an academic honor given to outstanding scientific and technological talents, and it is also the social responsibility and mission of scientific and technological talents. However, in reality, due to the labeling, lifelong, commercialization, and empowerment of the title of scientific and technological talents, the essence of the title of scientific and technological talents has been alienated. It is necessary to further optimize the top-level design of the talent plan, implement the refined management of talent projects, and reform the talent evaluation system, strengthen the responsibility and mission of talents, reshape the value concept of social talents, return to the original essence of the title of scientific and technological talents, and give full play to the demonstration and driving role of scientific and technological talents.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


1 胡咏梅, 元静. 我国高校普通青年教师与“帽子”人才的工资差距有多大. 北京大学教育评论, 2021, 19(3): 41-61, 189-190. Hu Y M, Yuan J. How big is the salary gap between ordinary young teachers and “hat” talents in my country’s colleges and universities. Peking University Education Review, 2021, 19(3): 41-61, 189-190. (in Chinese)

2 杨三喜. 人才“ 帽子” 泛滥现象亟待改变. 光明日报, 2019-12-12(02). Yang S X. The phenomenon of “hat” flooding of talents needs to be changed urgently. Guangming Daily, 2019-12-12(02). (in Chinese)

3 杜红亮, 任昱仰. NSFC海外科技人才政策及其效果评估. 科技管理研究, 2013, 33(16): 128-132.

Du H L, Ren Y Y. NSFC overseas S&T talent policy and its effect evaluation. Science and Technology Management Research, 2013, 33(16): 128-132. (in Chinese)

4 蓝庆新, 黄婧涵, 李飞. 海外高科技人才回流对中国区域经济发展的影响研究——基于门槛效应的实证分析. 科技管理研究, 2019, 39(10): 114-119.

Lan Q X, Huang J H, Li F. Research on the influence of overseas high-tech talent return on China’s regional economic development—An empirical analysis based on threshold effect. Science and Technology Management Research, 2019, 39(10): 114-119. (in Chinese)

5 应向伟. 集聚人才兴伟业. 今日科技, 2005, (1): 4. Ying X W. Gathering talents to make great achievements. Today’s Science and Technology, 2005, (1): 4. (in Chinese)

6 白春礼. “ 百人计划” : 二十年回顾与思考. 光明日报, 2014-11-20(16). Bai C L. “Hundred Talents Project”: Twenty years review and reflection. Guangming Daily, 2014-11-20(16). (in Chinese)

7 王光荣, 田雅婷. “ 在总理的关怀下”——张存浩院士谈 “ 国家杰出青年科学基金” 设立与发展. 光明日报, 2004- 05-21(16). Wang G R, Tian Y T. “Under the Prime Minister’s Care”— Academician Zhang Cunhao talks about the establishment and development of “National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars”. Guangming Daily, 2004-05- 21(16). (in Chinese)

8 普浩天. 施一公团队重大研究成果发表解答基础生命科学核心问题. 光明日报, 2015-08-22(01). Pu H T. The major research results of Shi Yigong’s team are published to answer the core questions of basic life science. Guangming Daily, 2015-08-22(01). (in Chinese)

9 白春礼. 精心打造品牌凝聚培养优秀创新人才——中国科学院“ 百人计划” 十年历程的回顾与思考. 中国科学院院刊, 2004, (5): 323-327.

Bai C L. Elaborately build a brand, cohesion and cultivate outstanding innovative talents: Retrospect and reflection on the ten-year history of the “Hundred Talents Program” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2004, (5): 323-327. (in Chinese)

10 马克斯·韦伯. 韦伯论大学. 孙传钊, 译. 南京: 江苏人民出版社, 2006.

Max W. Weber on University. Translated by Sun C Z. Nanjing: Jiangsu People’s Publishing House, 2006. (in Chinese)

11 费希特. 论学者的使命人的使命. 梁志学, 沈真, 译. 北京: 商务印书馆, 1997.

Fichte. On the Mission of Scholars and the Mission of Man. Translated by Liang Z X, Shen Z. Beijing: Commercial Press, 1997. (in Chinese)

12 斯蒂芬·P·罗宾斯. 组织行为学 (第十版). 孙健敏, 李原, 译. 北京: 中国人民大学出版社, 2005.

Stephen P R. Organizational Behavior (10th Ed.). Translated by Sun J M, Li Y. Beijing: Renmin University of China Press, 2005. (in Chinese)

13 朱旭东. 重塑人才称号的价值. 光明日报, 2020-12-19(6). Zhu X D. The value of reshaping talent titles. Guangming Daily, 2020-12-19(06). (in Chinese)

14 马克思, 恩格斯. 马克思恩格斯文集: 第1卷. 北京: 人民出版社, 2009.

Marx, Engels. Collected Works of Marx and Engels (Volume I). Beijing: People’s Publishing House, 2009. (in Chinese)

15 刘尚明, 宋海圆. 人的商品化及其后果. 广州大学学报(社会科学版), 2018, 17(5): 90-96.

Liu S M, Song H Y. Commodification of humans and its consequences. Journal of Guangzhou University (Social Science Edition), 2018, 17(5): 90-96. (in Chinese)

16 白强, 迟明阳. 符号生产: “ 双一流” 建设背景下高层次人才流动治理研究. 重庆大学学报(社会科学版), 2020, 26(6): 243-252.

Bai Q, Chi M Y. Symbol production: A study on the governance of high-level talent flow under the background of “Double First-Class” construction. Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition), 2020, 26(6): 243-252. (in Chinese)

17 徐娟, 贾永堂. 大学高层次人才流动乱象及其治理——基于政府规制与市场设计理论的探析. 高校教育管理, 2019, 13(3): 97-106.

Xu J, Jia Y T. The chaos of high-level talent flow in universities and its governance: An analysis based on the theory of government regulation and market design. Education Management in Colleges and Universities, 2019,13(3): 97- 106. (in Chinese)

18 黄延楠. 院士制度何去何从?. 中国科技奖励, 2013, (3): 20- 22.

Huang Y N. Where is the academician system going?. China Science and Technology Awards, 2013, (3): 20-22. (in Chinese)

19 胡键. 学术圈地运动不利于学术发展. 云梦学刊, 2014, 35(4): 27-28.

Hu J. Academic enclosure movement is not conducive to academic development. Yunmeng Journal, 2014, 35(4): 27-28. (in Chinese)

20 孙正聿. 学术的使命与学者的担当——改革开放40年的中国学术. 社会科学战线, 2018, (11): 1-6.

Sun Z Y. Academic mission and scholars’ responsibilities: Chinese academics in 40 years of reform and opening up. Social Science Front, 2018, (11): 1-6. (in Chinese)

21 王恩华. 大学学者的使命与学术责任. 高等教育研究, 2005, (1): 13-18.

Wang E H. The mission and academic responsibility of university scholars. Higher Education Research, 2005, (1): 13- 18. (in Chinese)

22 杨岭, 毕宪顺. “ 双一流” 背景下大学高层次人才流动的失序与规范. 社会科学家, 2017, (8): 130-135.

Yang L, Bi X S. The disorder and norm of high-level talent flow in universities under the background of “Double FirstClass”. Social Scientists, 2017, (8): 130-135. (in Chinese)

23 周川. 大学的德行: 传统与现实. 教育研究, 2019, 40(1): 86- 93.

Zhou C. University virtue: Tradition and reality. Educational Research, 2019, 40(1): 86-93. (in Chinese)

24 怀进鹏. 为加快建设世界重要人才中心和创新高地贡献力量. 人民日报, 2022-01-26(09). Huai J P. Contributing to accelerating the construction of the world’s important talent center and innovation highland. People’s Daily, 2022-01-26(09). (in Chinese)

25 张健. 人才“ 帽子” 泛滥怪象亟待改变. 人民论坛, 2020, (18): 120-123.

Zhang J. The strange phenomenon of the flood of talent “hats” needs to be changed urgently. People’s Forum, 2020, (18): 120-123. (in Chinese)
