
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


human-cyber-physical systems, low-entropy computing network, high-goodput computing, constrained tail behavior, intelligence flow

Document Type

Build and Strengthen China`s Information Tech-system


The world is entering a new era of human-cyber-physical ternary computing with diverse intelligent applications over trillions of devices. This calls for a new type of cyberinfrastructure characterized by a planet-scale, high-goodput, low-entropy computing network, colloquially named Information Superbahn. This article highlights the vision of Information Superbahn, including fundamental requirements, key scientific problems, and a candidate system architecture. The goal of building the Information Superbahn is to natively support humancyber-physical systems and low-entropy computing modes, to reduce the effects of systems disorder. Compared with existing network computing systems, such as Internet, cloud computing, big data and Internet of Things, Information Superbahn aims to achieving higher system goodput and application quality of service.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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