
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


hydrogen energy strategy; carbon neutralization; whole chain; accelerate commercialization; technical reserve

Document Type

Energy Transition under Carbon Neutrality


As an important means to achieve the goal of carbon neutralization, hydrogen energy has attracted global attention. As the United States has more than 30 years of practical experience in hydrogen energy R&D and application, this study conducts a detailed investigation on the hydrogen energy development plan and strategy formulated by the U.S. government, analyzes the U.S. hydrogen energy strategy and development objectives, direction and achievements since 1990, and focuses on the latest U.S. hydrogen energy development strategy in 2020 and the hydrogen energy breakthrough plan in 2021. It is concluded that the current US government has moved from initially establishing hydrogen energy technology reserves and promoting the application of hydrogen fuel cells in the transportation industry to accelerating the R&D and commercialization of the low-cost whole chain of hydrogen energy, especially green hydrogen technology under the goal of carbon neutralization, with diversified goals such as realizing the goal of carbon neutralization, establishing and developing hydrogen economy, and occupying a leading position in the global hydrogen energy technology and market. At the same time, the United States has relatively mature R&D and demonstration experience in electrolytic water technology. In the future, it will develop in the direction of megawatt scale and clean hydrogen production from renewable energy such as solar energy and nuclear energy. Based on such analysis, it is suggested that China should strengthen top-level design of hydrogen energy development, tackle key problems and breaking through core technologies of hydrogen energy, establish the development model of the whole hydrogen energy technology chain, strengthen international cooperation, formulate standards, and protect intellectual property.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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