
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


tackling key problems of science and technology; whole-nation system; high-temperature superconductivity; original innovation

Document Type

S & T and Society


Tackling original and leading problems of science and technology (TOLPST) is the key to strengthening national strategic scientific and technological forces and achieving scientific and technological self-reliance of China. The national superconductivity research which began in 1987 is a typical TOLPST. It has helped China's high-temperature superconductivity research leap from backwardness, follow-up phase to parallel running state or even leading position, but it did not produce original innovation. The historical experience of national superconductivity research has important implications for TOLPST: (1) Basic research should be categorized and accurately implemented, especially the original innovation should be distinguished from the application-oriented research or that breaks bottlenecks. (2) China should speed up the cultivation of strategic scientists and give full play to their pivotal role that connects the government and the scientific community. (3) China should strengthen the construction of the national innovation platform, and transform part of the concentrated TOLPST into long-term support for strategic scientific and technological forces.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


1 周兴江. 高温超导的发展历程及其重要意义. 科学通报, 2017, 62(8):745-748.

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5 刘兵. 早期高温超导体发现的历史考察. 二十一世纪, 1995, 28(4):89-97.

6 钟书华. 论科技举国体制. 科学学研究, 2009, 27(12):1785-1792.

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9 熊卫民. 人工全合成结晶牛胰岛素的历程. 生命科学, 2015, 27(6):692-708.

10 顾超. 科学史视域下的原始创新:以高温超导研究为例. 科学学研究, 2021, doi:10.16192/j.cnki.1003-2053. 20210810.002.

11 樊纲. "新型举国体制"要防"科技烂尾". 中国中小企业, 2021, (4):19.

12 范内瓦·布什, 拉什·D·霍尔特. 科学:无尽的前沿. 崔传刚, 译. 北京:中信出版社, 2021:100.

13 樊春良. 科技举国体制的历史演变与未来发展趋势. 国家治理, 2020, (42):23-28.

14 许平, 何国祥, 寿丹娟. 科技攻关项目管理现代化的研究与实践. 中国科学院院刊, 1997, 12(6):407-410.
