
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Big Earth Data, sustainable cities and communities

Document Type

Strategy & Practice


SDG 11-sustainable cities and communities is central to achieving all 17 SDGs. However, the lack of data is the main challenge for monitoring and assessing SDG 11 indicators. As an important aspect of technological innovation and big data, Big Earth Data can offer a new key to generate knowledge about the Earth, playing a major role in promoting sustainable development. In this research, we conducted many practical cases to monitor the progress of SDG indicators centered on urban sustainable development, and focused on 6 main themes about urban development, including urban housing, urban public transportation, urbanization, disaster prevention & mitigation, air pollution, and open public space. Based on the above analysis, this study summarizes the challenges for realization of SDG 11. Finally, in order to achieve the SDG 11, we propose some suggestions and actions, including building a sustainable development big data information platform, strengthening the leverage of science and technology in the realization of SDG 11, actively carrying out SDG 11 comprehensive application demonstration, and strengthening scientific and technological cooperation between relevant institutions at home and abroad.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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