
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


science education; Post-COVID-19 era; the fourth industrial revolution; science and technology

Document Type

Consultation of Academic Divisions: Development and Innovation of Science Education


It is a consensus worldwide that COVID-19 has made far-reaching impact on education. As one of the essential topics of discussion for Education 4.0, science education has been paid lots of attention focusing on its further development especially under the background of the fourth industrial revolution and Post-COVID-19 era. This research proposes developing strategies of science education in the Post-COVID-19 era with a globalized vision. The strategies, proposed on the basis of worldwide research outcome of science education and the analysis of China's actual conditions, include developing the top layer design for science education from national security perspectives, establishing a training system of science and technology talent reserve, building-up a systematic competency evaluation standard, enhancing the professionalism of science teachers, and promoting the socialization of science education supply. They aim to ensure the firm and effective development of science education in the Post-COVID-19 era in China.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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