
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


strategy consulting; science of think tank; falsifiability

Document Type

Think Tank Research


Think tank researches are the main element to advance the modernization of China's capacity for governance, and they are multidisciplinary related to many research areas. The suggestions of think tank researches may have massive influences as long as they are adapted. In this study, we recommend that the think tank researches should be advanced to the science of think tank. The think tank researches should follow the widely recognized scientific research character-falsifiability. Based on solid data and evidences, think tank researches build objective models, develop qualitative methods and quantitative tools, and generate objective strategic consulting proposals with predictive ability. By controllable error correction and falsification process, we gradually eliminate the concurrence of causes and the plurality of causes in the models and methods, get the general conclusion and then the models and methods will be verified when applied.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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