
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


technological sciences scientific and technological innovation “double cycle” self-reliance

Document Type

Strategy & Policy Decision Research


The CPC Central Committee proposed to speed up the formation of a new development pattern of the domestic and international double cycles, with the domestic cycle being the main body of this pattern. Facing a complex international and domestic situation, scientific and technological innovation being the core driving force, it is of urgent need to explore and build a new development pattern of "double cycle" to suit our national needs. Hence, under the guidance of Hsue-shen Tsien's thought on technological sciences and based on the original innovation function, secondary innovation function and potential innovation function of technological sciences, this study puts forward the strategic idea of constructing a new development pattern of "double cycle" of scientific and technological innovation with technological sciences as the core. We hope that through the three strategic paths of domestic big cycle, domestic and international double cycles, and international big cycle, the "double cycle" of scientific and technological innovation will promote the economic "double cycle" and provide macro-strategic reference for China's scientific and technological self-reliance and integration into the international scientific and technological innovation pattern.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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