
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


national strategic scientific and technological power systematic layout

Document Type

Strategy & Policy Decision Research


Strengthening the national strategic science and technology (S&T) power is the key path to achieve China's scientific and technological independence, and to accelerate the construction process of a powerful nation of science and technology. In the global history of science and technology development in the past century, along with the shift of the world's scientific center, major developed countries have recognized and strengthened their S&T power from the national strategic level at different stages of development. Based on a profound understanding of the significance of strengthening the systematic layout of national strategic science and technology forces, this paper discusses the layout of national S&T power in the national S&T innovation system, by focusing on the "main position" of national innovation, exploring the "no man's land" around the frontier, and facing the "main battlefield" of industrial and economy, respectively. Relevant suggestions are put forward to provide reference for strengthening the national S&T power.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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